
Boosting Your Brain Power… Like Any Muscle The Brain Can Lose Its Function

heart-to-heart-logo-copyIssue 38.09

The brain is like any other muscle in your body.  You need to use it to keep it functioning at its full capacity.  The brain can lose the ability to retain new information, recall old information and function properly.  This is not necessarily a normal part of the aging process.  To prevent this from happening it is important that you never stop learning new things.  Trying new things is a great way to supply your brain with new information to process.

One of the best things you can do to keep your mind sharp is to exercise it.  A decrease in memory and concentration is generally caused by decreased blood flow to the brain and a loss of brain cells.  Research shows that physical and mental exercise may encourage the brain to work at optimum capacity by causing nerve cells to multiply, strengthening their interconnections and protecting them from damage.

It is important to incorporate mind-stimulating games into your daily routine.  Keeping your mind working and stimulated is extremely important.  Some of the things you can do are to listen intently to other people and learn information regarding their lives.  Try to memorize names, grocery lists and daily routines.  Puzzles and memory games can be fun and will also provide your brain with necessary stimulation.  Solving puzzles is a great way to stimulate your brains ability to think critically and process information.  Puzzles can be thought provoking, challenging and a fun activity.

A good night’s sleep is critical for mental energy because our bodies regenerate during sleep.  Sleep can help clear out the mental clutter and unimportant thoughts.  A good night’s rest can be the difference between a sharp memory and feeling forgetful.  

It is important that you maintain a sense of humor.  Laughter causes a natural release of the brain’s endorphins- chemicals that help lessen pain and increase overall well being.  Laughter is a well known, natural stress reliever.  Take the time to watch a comedy, share a comical story with a friend, crack a joke and increase your endorphin levels.

Sing and dance along to your favorite music.  Keep a daily journal and/or write down your childhood memories.  These things will all accomplish getting your brain stimulated.

A healthy debate strengthens the brain’s ability to think quickly and apply intelligence to verbal situations.  Socializing may have a protective effect on the brain because it is also a form of mental exercise.  Not only does interacting with other people stimulate the brain, but it can help keep it sharp, as dealing with other people can sometimes be pretty challenging.  Strong social ties have been associated with lower blood pressure and longer life expectancy.  Having no social ties is believed to be an independent risk factor for cognitive decline in older people.

So get out there and socialize with others.  Have a great time, and laugh a lot!!

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