
Coping With Loneliness… Take The Initiative

heart-to-heart-logo-copyIssue 43.09

Isolation, loneliness and depression affect many seniors, and can become a serious problem if not dealt with.  Changes in life circumstances can create a period of loneliness for anyone.  The death of a loved one, relocating to a new area, the loss of a job, retirement or a long illness can leave us feeling lonely.  When we are lonely, time seems to slowly grind by and we may doubt whether anyone would find us interesting enough to offer us their friendship.  If left unchecked, loneliness can turn into depression, a more serious condition.  Learning ways to reach out and reconnect with the world around you can be incredibly helpful.

Fortunately, loneliness can be overcome, although it does take some initiative on your part.  You might find some of the following strategies helpful.

Make the effort to meet and interact with new people.

The senior center can be a wonderful resource, often organizing classes, outings and social functions for people who want to enjoy life with other seniors.  Churches, health clubs, educational classes, travel clubs and special interest groups are good places to meet people of all ages.

Never miss an opportunity to introduce yourself to someone.  Ask others about themselves and let them know something about you.  Most people are happy to include newcomers, but growing new friendships requires ongoing contact and an effort on your part.  Don’t forget your old friends and neighbors.  Renew connections with friends you have lost touch with.  Organize a luncheon or neighborhood get together.

Volunteering your time and talents can also help to put your own situation in perspective.  Bring a positive attitude to the things you can do to help and be thankful that you are able to do so.  Making life easier for someone else is a wonderful way to reconnect with others.

Hobbies can keep you motivated.  There are many hobbies that are possible even if your mobility is challenged.  Find people to connect with that share your interests and hobbies.  That way you know that you share some of the same interests, and can give you a starting point for a lasting friendship.

You can always adopt a pet.  Most people find it impossible to feel lonely in the company of a pet.  Pets love unconditionally, they are always accepting and they never criticize.  They are very forgiving and they are able to give us great pleasure.  Caring for a pet can renew meaning and purpose in your life.

Loneliness can indicate depression, a disease causing mental and physical deterioration.  Feelings of sadness and despair, loss of appetite, reluctance to make decisions, and trouble sleeping are all signs of depression and should be discussed with your doctor.

With so many opportunities available to join groups or to volunteer, there is no reason for you not to get out into the community and get involved. Learn to enjoy your life!!

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