
Is Arthritis Always Painful?… A Local Woman’s Experience

petersonIssue 45.09

A 56 year old lady name Sue had just started eating better and walking more.  She was walking at a brisk pace for about 30 minutes a day.  After her second week into her new routine, she noticed some slight tightness in her low back and right hip.  She didn’t think much of it until trying to get up after gardening one morning.  She felt some sudden tightness and pain.  She decided to take some Aspirin and tried to adjust to the discomfort.  Later that afternoon the pain started coming back.  This time it felt like it was traveling down the back of her thigh.  The annoying pain just wasn’t getting better.  After five days, Sue was worried that this was the beginning of a lifelong relationship with arthritis. 

She went to her primary physician who took x-rays of her hip and back.  He said there was some mild to moderate arthritis.  He prescribed some medication and told her to rest.  Three weeks later the pain was still persistent.  One of her friends recommended seeing her chiropractic doctor.  She gave them a call and they were able to get her in the same day.  The doctor looked at her x-rays and performed an in depth exam of her back and legs.  She was relieved when the doctor told her there was a solution.  He diagnosed her condition as Piriformis Syndrome.  He explained that although some arthritis was present, that probably wasn’t what was causing the pain since the arthritis was most likely there more than a month ago when she had no pain.  She was treated with a light massage, stretches, and some other therapies to help with the spasms and pain.  After a few follow-up visits, she was completely pain free.  She quickly returned to her walking routine and now walks 60 minutes a day.

Piriformis syndrome is a common condition with geriatric patients.  It occurs when a small muscle in the hip area, called the piriformis, is irritated.  The muscle goes into spasm and can sometimes irritate the sciatic nerve resulting in pain down the leg.  Sue’s case is pretty common.  Arthritis isn’t always painful.  If that was the case, every single one of us over the age of 40 would have arthritic pain.  That just isn’t the case.  Chiropractic therapy is an excellent option for relieving arthritic pain or other sprains or strains. 

Advanced Spine & Rehab is a chiropractic clinic in town specializing in treating senior patients with conservative therapy. Their goal is to get to the root of the problem and get you better as soon as possible. You will find a relaxed, gentle, pressure free atmosphere. The also accept Medicare. Call us if you have any questions at 435-656-3266 or visit our website for more info –

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