
Funeral Service Insights… Reflections on Our U.S. Armed Forces

ted-spilsburyIssue 42.10

These past weeks I have felt very inspired as I think about our U.S. Armed Forces; our men and women who protect this great nation, and their sacrifices that bless our lives each and every day.  Not only are they heroes, serving to protect our daily freedoms, they are called upon constantly throughout the world to perform tasks that are seldom mentioned.  For example, they perform “acts of recovery,” that is, they retrieve our dead from the devastations of war, natural disasters, and terrorism.  They step up, providing equipment, know-how, and manpower to preserve the sacred physical bodies of those whom we love, at any and all costs.  Often such duty is mentally and physically overwhelming, such as the recovery of bodies that are in advanced stages of deterioration, or that have been victims of drowning, explosion, fire, or other devastation. 

            We all realize that those rescue efforts are being performed, but do we consider who follows through and makes sure that our loved ones make it home?  It is a combination of many, many great and wonderful folks.  It touches my heart, knowing of the valiant efforts of those who help to bring closure and peace to grieving families.  Not only does our government and military assist in bringing our soldiers home, but they also provide many benefits as the families lay them to rest.

            For example, military honors, whether honoring those actively protecting us or those who have served our great nation in the past, make sure that none are forgotten.  We in Southern Utah are blessed to have the finest military honors providers in this country – the United States of America, excepting perhaps the honors provided by full-time active duty trained soldiers at the Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.  As “Taps” is played, the 21-gun-salute pierces the air, and the American flag is presented, I see tears of gratitude on the faces of the family.    These Honor Guards are the great and noble ones, providing a fitting, final tribute on behalf of a grateful country.

            How proud we are to be citizens of such a great nation, a nation that reveres their dead and pays proper honor and respect.  May I take this opportunity to say “thank you” to all of our service men and women for all they do, here and abroad.


Ted Spilsbury

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