
Notes On The History Of The Kolob Canyons…Conclusion

Issue 50.10

Part 12

One of the myths that some visitors to the Kolob may have is that it is not changing.  Two important events in recent years indicate that the Kolob Canyons are still very active geologically.  In July 1983, a major rock fall from the north facing cliffs of Timber Top Mountain showed dramatically how the canyon was formed.  Freezing water in the cracks of the sandstone combined with the sun’s heating of the cliff surface over many years weakened a section of the rock several hundred feet wide and nearly 1000 feet high and sent it crashing to the canyon floor as rubble.  [Kolob Road Guide, Stop 9]  Even today, the scar on the face cliff is readily apparent to the visitor to the Kolob from the observation sight at the end of the Kolob road.  As with many rock falls, it went unnoticed for some time.

            The second and more dangerous event occurred on Wednesday 17 March 1993 around 9:30 am.  A ten-foot wall of water and mud came crashing down Taylor Creek and spread across I-15 damaging several passing trucks and cars.  Four people were hospitalized in the freak flood.  Although it was a clear, dry, beautiful day, spring rains and runoff had backed up behind a natural sand dam formed several years before in a branch of Taylor Creek.  Water pressure from spring rains finally broke the dam and thus the water and sand rushed down Taylor Creek to the unfortunate few who were crossing the path of the stream on the freeway at the same time.  [Spectrum 18 March 1993; Deseret News 19 March 1993]  Geologists would tell you that they have evidence that such events had occurred before and that will occur again. 

            The study of geology teaches us that nature’s processes created the Kolob Canyons, and someday the incredible scenes in this part of Zion National Park will disappear.  Fortunately for us, the grandeur of the Kolob will be around for the rest of our lives and many generations of our descendants.  The exciting human history at Kolob canyons for the past two centuries only adds to our enjoyment of this incredible region.  We hope you have enjoyed reading about this unique place and that you will take the time to go and enjoy our wonderful Kolob Canyons.

We thank Stephen Heath for his interesting and enlightening series. Editor.

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