
New You Wellness Clinic Encourages Good Nutrition And Healthy Weight Loss

Issue 29.13

At the New You Wellness Clinic we encourage good nutrition and healthy weight loss by following Dr. Wayne Andersen’s” Habits of Health”. He states “Water is a critical component of your body, making up between 55 and 60 percent of your weight.” Your body can’t store water–unlike fat–so you need to replenish it often. That’s why drinking at least eight glasses a day is a core Habit of Health. 

When we give our clients a Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation treatment at the clinic, we encourage them to drink 64 oz of water before and after the treatment. Water plays a key role in supporting health, particularly during weight loss, when it helps remove toxins and other unhealthy substances stored in your fat cells. Being well-hydrated helps all your organs and systems function properly. It’s the solvent that moves nutrients, hormones, antibodies, and oxygen through your bloodstream and lymphatic system, and removes waste.

Dr. Andersen said “What you may not realize is that we actually lose nearly twelve cups of water every day: two cups through perspiration, six cups through urine, two to four through breathing–and nearly one cup through the soles of our feet! And in high altitudes or dry environments, you lose even more, so you can get dehydrated in a hurry.

During weight loss there are even more good reasons to make a conscious effort to drink your eight glasses a day. Here are a few:

* It’s calorie free, but helps you feel full and satisfied.

* It keeps you from overeating. Studies have shown that when we feel hungry, 30 percent of the time our bodies are actually signaling for water.

* It prevents dehydration as your body eliminates excess salt and water from a diet of too much processed food.

* It speeds up metabolism.

* It facilitates the removal of toxins such as pesticides and preservatives from your cells.

* It helps your liver convert fat to energy.

* It compensates for the loss of glycogen as you lose weight.

Some clients have said, “I’m just not thirsty. Do I still need to drink water? Yes!!! Don’t use thirst to guide your water intake! Thirst is a late warning symptom of dehydration. Waiting until you’re thirsty to drink means that your body must function at less than optimal efficiency for several hours.

Plain water is the best beverage for quenching thirst–and it’s cheap, calorie free, and contains no sugar, caffeine, or other additives. Tap water should be filtered first, to remove chorine and other contaminants. Make sure you drink plenty of water while you are enjoying this heat and wonderful sun in Southern Utah!!!

Shirley Bagby can be contacted at the New You Wellness Clinic 435-688-7760.


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