
Have I Planned Enough?

Issue 26.15

Question: Are there benefits to setting aside funds for my funeral ahead of time? The answer is yes. By planning now, it may spare your family the financial burden of paying for your funeral when you die. Decisions about who is responsible for paying and where the money will come from are not left to your children, friends or other family members.

The planning process should be a comforting one for you and your family.  Setting aside funds for your funeral or cremation expenses now may help ensure that you don’t leave a financial burden as your legacy.

To make sure you get the most out of your panning experience, there are several questions you should think about, research, and discuss with a funeral home director. They are there to guide you through the decision making process, so be sure to consult with as needed.

Some of these questions include:

*Am I paying for merchandise (i.e. casket), funeral services or both?

*Am I protected if the funeral home I deal with goes out of business?

*What happens if I move to a different area or die while away from home?

*Are the costs guaranteed even if prices rise right before I die?

*Do I have to pay the entire amount up front, or can I pay over time?

*What happens if I choose cremation?

*How do I know the mortuary/funeral home I am dealing with has the ability to meet my and my family’s needs?

These are just a few of the many questions you may have, this is why it is important that you take time to choose a funeral professional you can trust, one that has been established in your community, and has the reputation and track record that truly gives you and your family the peace of mind you are looking for.

In the end do your homework ahead of time so your family doesn’t have2 to.

Do you have the Forethought to PrePlan..?

Contact us @ (435) 673-4221 we can help…

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