
Do You Hate The Phone Or Television?

Issue 40.15

When my Dad watches TV nobody else upstairs can do anything!  He has the TV up so loud in the TV room it makes your ears hurt and if you are in the room next door it is difficult to carry on a meaningful conversation.

This and the fact that I work with the hearing impaired every day are why I was so interested when my friend Doug Dunker told me about how an old, under used technology works.  This technology can elegantly and simply solve the blaring TV problem, help those who are hearing impaired with problems talking on the phone as well as to understand the TV at normal volume levels.

You may wonder why I would be so excited about an “OLD” technology.  Having a degree in Electrical Engineering and having worked in technology development for 28 years I found that the simplest solution is usually the best!  The KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) mantra was often cited by those in lead positions and sometimes to their detriment ignored by those inexperienced in life and engineering.

Telecoil technology found in 70% of hearing aids on the market is a simple and elegant solution to the Telephone and Blaring TV problem.  Telecoil technology pipes a full spectrum of sound directly from a TV or Telephone directly into a hearing aid where the sound is then adjusted for each individual according to the setup on their hearing aid so they get the perfect sound levels for their ears.  Unlike new complicated technologies like Bluetooth that need to pair and connect, with Telecoil you are in the loop or you are not, no pairing or connecting is needed, it works instantly.

So if you are having trouble with a blaring TV or if you only hear 70% or less of what happens on phone or on TV.

Call my friend Doug Dunker at Precision Hearing: 435-628-9015 or

Call me Roland D. Whatcott at Kind Hearts Senior Care: 435-216-9404

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