
Funeral Aftercare

Issue 14.16

Funeral Aftercare is defined as the care, treatment, help, support or supervision given to people after services for the loss of a loved one is completed.  It is the follow up to funeral services providing care for a loved one and helps foster a safe and healthy grief journey.  It is the natural extension of our service to assist survivors.

Following each service, our aftercare counselor personally meets with the families of those we have served.   We have found that families have many questions following the funeral of a loved one.   We are able to discuss grief including its various stages and help survivors understand that  what is normal for one may not be normal for another.  The stages of grief can be repeated and can vary in intensity.   Just to know what you may be going through is normal can be freeing.  Certainly if a response is overwhelming, clergy and/or a professional counselor can be engaged.

Follow up also includes reviewing a useful survivors checklist including changes in Social Security, insurance, bank accounts, titles, deeds, registrations, trusts, brokerage accounts, etc.    Some survivors may qualify for reductions in property taxes.    We will assist with claims for military benefits, insurance, union benefits, etc.

We also point out the importance of personal health and well-being.  The stress of grief can suppress the immune system making us more vulnerable.   Good nutrition and exercise and even a timely physician check-up can be considered.

Any questions about the funeral and services received are also reviewed.   We hold opinions of those we have served in high regard and have received wonderful feedback.    Over the years many suggestions have been implemented in our services.

Aftercare for some can be as simple exchange of information and gaining insight and understanding of what to expect following a loss.  For others knowing that someone cares can have great impact in helping you move forward.   While a part of life, the loss of a loved one is never an event we want to experience.  With the help of others, we can heal and move on to a “new” normal in our life.

We are dedicated to the families we serve and our service and care does not cease with the conduct of the funeral or services.

Ron Metcalf may be contacted at Metcalf Mortuary, 435- 673-4221.

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