
Principles of Freedom – Do It Anyway!

Issue 48.16

The Preserve our Freedoms Coalition met recently and was treated to a presentation by radio host Kate Dalley. It was a very interesting and enjoyable evening. I give her credit for the topic of this week’s article, even though it was just a small part of her presentation.

Our founders faced a formidable series of tasks. They had to find a way to separate themselves from the tyranny of England. They had to convince their countrymen that this course was necessary and just. They had to raise an army to fight for the freedom they desired. They had to fund a war with no large war chest against the most powerful and richest nation on earth. They had to win that war. Then they had to figure out what to create in place of that tyranny and provide a government that the people could support and a process that would ensure the freedom they had won to themselves and their posterity.

To fight the Revolutionary War and win, they faced ridiculous odds. No one thought they could do it. They did it anyway.

By signing the Declaration of Independence, they would put themselves and their families at risk of capture, incarceration and death. They did it anyway.

They knew that pledging their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to the cause might well cost them all of those things. They did it anyway.

George Washington and his soldiers knew they were up against the most formidable foe known to man in their time. They did it anyway.

Once the war was won, the leaders of the various states knew it would be next to impossible to get 13 sovereign states to agree to a unified government. They did it anyway.

They sent leaders to a Continental Congress knowing there would be arguments over every conceivable thing. They did it anyway.

Once they agreed to the structure and forms of the new government, they knew it would be extremely difficult to convince the people of the states to agree to the compromises they had created. They did it anyway.

There were many leaders and citizens that did not get things just the way they wanted. They didn’t want to give up their own agendas for the good of the nation. They did it anyway.

Here is the challenge for us today with the many problems we face as a nation. We are becoming more and more divided, selfish, careless of the future and willing to attack those who disagree with us rather than reasoning out our differences in policy, procedure and political direction. Here is what I propose as a solution.

Most people feel their vote doesn’t count. Vote anyway.

Most people don’t want to take the time to find out about the candidates and ballot issues. Find out anyway.

Most people are afraid to speak up about what they care about in political or council meeting. Speak up anyway.

Most people think they will offend or lose friends if they disagree about political issues. Disagree anyway. (but do it with class and respect).

Most people are afraid to write letters to the editor or opinion pieces that share their vision. Write anyway.

Most people are afraid to protest when government oversteps or individuals in government violate their oath of office to protect and defend the US Constitution. Protest anyway.

Our nation was created and our freedoms clarified and protected by those who did hard things. If you feel you are not good at some of these things, neither were they. They either did them anyway or found someone that would do so and supported them in their efforts. If you feel that our nation is in trouble, you have a responsibility to our posterity and your fellow citizens to be involved in the solution. That may be running for office, standing up in city council, parting with some of your hard earned cash to support causes or candidates or some other thing that matters but is hard. Even if you may not succeed – DO IT ANYWAY!

Lynn West is a thinker, a teacher and a patriot. You can reach him through email at or through this newspaper. Liberty is a state of being which must be continually created. These articles can help all of us discover the ways we can contribute to that outcome.

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