
Genealogy Corner… Bit and Pieces of Information

Issue 31.17

Twile launched a new version of the Twile timeline, designed to make your family history look even better! They introduced several changes to make everything clearer, brighter, and easier to use.  Your milestones have more color, your photos are larger and you can see more about each event without having to click and open it.

The new design makes photos stand out more and shows how many photos are waiting for you inside the event.  Twile removed some of the clutter on the timeline events to return the focus to the most important information. You will also see that any descriptions or comments you’ve added to your events will now show on the timeline – this makes it easier for you to tell the story of your family history and add context to photos.

You don’t need to do anything to see the new changes – they’ll be there for you when you next login. Just go to to register or log in.

Web Indexing My friend Stephen Worley from England just published a video describing the help system:
This is part of an album of videos. There are currently seven in there. There are another nine videos to come which will describe the Web Indexing program in fine detail. Here’s the link to the album:

Ireland For those doing Irish research, the following portions of the Irish Civil Registration Record images are now online and may be accessed for free at

United Kingdom To my friends who are into Family History research for ancestors in England…. biggest thing since access to the 1939 Census…… The General Register Office searches for births now gives mother’s maiden name as part of search results…. fantastic for finding missing children who were born and who died between census reports!

Here’s where you register:

Registration Services – Certificate Ordering Service – Login Note: you can search without ordering certificates.

For more information, contact Shanna Jones

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