
It’s a Good Time to Wear Hearing Aids

Issue 38.17

So you have noticed you’re not hearing as well as you use to.  The dialog on the TV is muffled and too soft, the background music is too loud and if it wasn’t for that I would hear what was being said on the screen.  If people would stop mumbling and just speak up.   People of all ages have experienced these and other frustrating situations.   You are not alone!  You are one out of thirty-six million American’s who struggle with their hearing.  Recent advancement in hearing technology, care, and services have improved the satisfaction rate of these American’s who have chosen to be proactive with their hearing health.

In the last year the number of hearing aid sales have increased by 8.6% as opposed to 4 -5 % for the past several years.  Even with the higher increase of hearing aids worn, the overall satisfaction rate of hearing aid user’s increased as well; from 74 percent in prior years to 91 percent satisfaction rate for those obtained hearing aids since 2014 to present 1.  It’s a good time to wear hearing aids!

There are several factors that have been instrumental in the increase of satisfaction rate of hearing aids. A few of these factors are:

  • The increase financial investment by hearing aid companies in research and development,
  • The enhanced knowledge of hearing care providers
  • An increase motivation and ownership by the patient

Hearing aid companies are investing over $600 million per year on research and development employing more than 6,000 engineers and scientists who work to insure hearing aid technology make necessary advancement towards better quality, design, and to provide natural sound quality in a variety of listening situations.  Truly these hearing aids are not the hearing aids of yester-years.

With this increase in hearing aid technology it becomes increasingly important to find a hearing care provider who is fervently keeping up with the latest in technology so they can prescribe which hearing aid best you.  Along with their zeal for technology your provider needs to invest time understanding your needs, your goals, your daily listening work load, to truly treat your hearing and not just sell you a hearing aid.

Finally the satisfaction rate is closely tied to the patient motivation and desire to treat their hearing.  If the patient does not have the desire or lacks the motivation he will not be a successful hearing aid wearer.  Negativity breeds negativity, positivity breeds positivity. Once a patient takes ownership of their hearing and their need for technology they become primed for success.

It’s a good time to wear hearing aids.  (Closing info)

Call Advanced Hearing & Balance Specialists to make an appointment.  435-688-8866 in St. George, 435-867-0714 in Cedar City or 702-346-4622 in Mesquite.


1 Harvey B. Abrams, PhD, and Jan Kihm, MS, An Introduction to MarkeTrak IX: A New Baseline for the Hearing Aid Market, Hearing Review (May 15, 2015),

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