
Principles of Freedom – The Unexamined Life

Issue 45.14

Socrates is considered the source of the statement, “The unexamined life is not worth living.”  The philosophical consensus is that this means, “If you aren’t trying to understand what really matters, life is not really fulfilling and we are not a completely ‘human’ being”. How does this relate to freedom?

Digging deeper and finding what is really going on is not a comfortable or easy process. Life is definitely simpler if we just hitch our wagon behind someone who seems to know where they are going and follow along until they stop. However, after arriving, we may be dismayed at where we have come to. We may begin to see that all is not as was promised. Taking personal responsibility means we chart our own course, choose our companions in the travel, and work with them to arrive at and build the dream we hold in common. This is what our founders did in the last part of the 18th century as they created a land of freedom, opportunity and prosperity. The principles they lived by and used to frame a government of the people, by the people and for the people are based on eternal truths and philosophies that demand integrity and action.

In our day, much of what those men and women did is being un-done. The freedoms they fought for are being discarded as we ask the government to care for us or take on the responsibilities that are rightfully ours to bear. Even our essential unalienable rights are under attack. Many among us do not see the danger and refuse to examine the evidence, since they have not yet personally been exposed to the loss and fear that others are experiencing.  It seems evident that, until it affects them personally, they will continue to believe that all is well. They assume that the people that think there are problems are just fear mongers or conspiracy theorists.

I was an active and visible supporter of one of the major parties in our country for 20 years. I tried hard to help move that party toward principles they claimed to support, but which their Congressional representatives did not actually support or vote for. When I actually took the time to examine what they DID instead of just what they SAID, I realized the truth. I found that I could no longer continue to support them with my time, money and energy. (The other major party was worse because they didn’t even pay lip service to the liberties that I felt were most important to our future).

Now I do what I can, while associating with many like-minded people who care about our future. We work hard to get others to begin the process of ‘examining’ their political life and associations. It is a lot less comfortable than following the wagon train blindly, but I can not go back. Integrity requires that I continue to dig, to examine, to speak and to care.

I encourage you, dear reader, to truly examine your political life and efforts. Are you really aware of how well the people you just voted for represent you and your beliefs? Are their votes in congress the votes you would make? Do you want more government, more control on citizens, less accountability and integrity, more spying on you and your family, little or no evaluation of people coming over our borders to see if they are dangerous, criminals, terrorists, etc.?  Are those representatives responsive to your emails, letters or phone calls or do you just get form letters if you get anything at all?

I made a hard choice years ago and I now live a life that I examine all the time. I don’t expect that all people will agree with me, but I challenge all to begin the process of examining where they are and where they are going. It is not easy but it is fulfilling. Robert Frost penned the words, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by,  And that has made all the difference.”  I for one, am glad for the newfound road.

Lynn West is a thinker, a teacher and a patriot. You can reach him through email at or through this newspaper. Liberty is a state of being which must be continually created. These articles can help all of us discover the ways we can contribute to that outcome. 



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