
Live Longer With Good Health

Issue 14.16

We’re about to embark on another beautiful summer in Dixie. As our sunshine improves, why not improve your health? Yes, I know, easier said than done. But–Young or Old, Fit or Not–there is always room for improvement.

Sound Wave Therapy can improve your health by focusing on an increase in blood flow while […]

Healthy Living In St. George

Issue 9.16

ST GEORGE……. In a lot of ways it’s like being on vacation EVERYDAY!!! I try not to gloat too much when I chat with friends and family up North who are dealing with ice, snow, mud, smog, and unpredictable sunshine. However, it’s really hard to resist as we daily bask in the sun, […]

Is Inflammation Behind Your Pain?

Issue 4.16

Have you heard the old adage, “What came first, “The Chicken or the Egg?” Ever wonder the same thing about Pain or Inflammation? Well, what came first, “Inflammation or Pain?”

Inflammation just might be the leading culprit behind the pain you are experiencing. Sound

Wave Therapy, featuring the Medsonix Therapy System offers a […]

Pain Relief

Issue 51.15

My husband and I discovered Sound Wave Therapy by Medsonix after suffering the physical aches and pains of remodeling our Vernal, Utah home. The physical pain our bodies suffered added to the chronic pains we had acquired from years of working in the oil fields and the cabinet shop proved too much to […]