
Principles of Freedom – Responding to the Readers

Issue 36.17

I want our readers to know that I very much appreciate their comments and insights and I learn from many of them who take the time to share their thinking and why they think that way. It is interesting that, in reading through recent responses to my articles, I have been criticized for being too liberal, too conservative and not focused enough on the principles of the Constitution. I have also had some very nice comments from others like this one. (I am not including names since I do not have their permission to share that information)

“Thank you for your articles on “Principles of Freedom” in the Senior Samplers.  My husband and I appreciate so much any fellow Americans who appreciate the Constitution which keeps us free and keeps America an exceptional country… I will be out of town … for at least the next 3 weeks and will miss reading your articles if you write any then.  I wish I knew how to get older missed copies”

Just so you know, you can read most of the recent articles online at . Just look along the left side for Lynn West, click on it, and read to your heart’s content (or discontent as the case may be).

Another quote from a recent letter follows:

“My take from your article “Principles of Freedom -The First Six Months” seems to have the typical holes of a liberal that sees the immediate, but not the future! The Democrats, Socialists, anti-U.S. Republic will never work with President Trump.  They are crazy with the fact that Hillary Clinton lost and will not likely get over it. I am a disgusted member of this Country because of the you scratch my back and I will scratch yours mentality in Washington.  The Demorats and Republiacrats are only looking out for keeping their seats in a swamp of slime.  The brain dead public be damned!”

This writer seems to lump me in with the liberals that “see the immediate, but not the future”.  I can live with that as an accusation, but long-time readers would probably not come to that same conclusion.

I hope that President Trump can succeed  in doing the things I agree with him about. I hope he fails in doing the things I disagree with. I don’t think too many people feel differently about that – they only feel differently about what those things First I want to be truly informed about the issues. That means not just listening to Rush Limbaugh or Bill Maher but actually doing your homework to create your own understanding instead of relying on theirs. I actually have listened to both in the past, but no longer do so because I feel both of them (and many other popular “talking heads”) are more interested in promoting their agenda and career than in actually learning and shedding light on the issues that concern us.

Second, I hope that I and all of you will actually work for the things and people that we can believe in (after completing the first item successfully). That means campaigning for good candidates, attending public meetings, sharing our ideas in a pleasant non-confrontive way with those around us, listening to others share their ideas and actually considering if their might be merit there rather than looking for words or ways to shoot them down.

Finally, vote – but only vote for those you actually believe in, not only for those you think can win but cause you to gag because they are the lesser of two evils. This will also require some research on your part. My opinion is that both major parties are controlled by the corporate funds that pay for their campaigns. Individual candidates may not be, but often the best choice is someone not controlled by any of them. That is where your judgement comes in. If no candidates fall into the categories of “good”, “better” or “best”, it is better to support none of them.

That’s my take – so keep those emails coming. I enjoy them and do try to respond to each one.

Lynn West is a thinker, a teacher and a patriot. You can reach him through email at or through this newspaper. Liberty is a state of being which must be continually created. These articles can help all of us discover the ways we can contribute to that outcome.

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