
Procrastination… Plan Ahead Then Take Action

eric-scottIssue 35.09

Just a little over a week ago, I was ready for another business trip.  Now, even though I had had this particular trip planned for quite some time, my busy schedule influenced me to put off phoning ahead for my rental car.

By the time I had finally gotten around to it, I discovered that the only options less would cost me double what I normally paid and that the cars I was able to choose from were of a lesser quality than I normally drive.  Not only was the car lesser in quality, but it wasn’t very well cleaned either.

How many times has this happened to you?  How many times have you procrastinated your plans and your to-do lists only to find out that the last-minute options aren’t as good as the ones you had originally planned on?

If I had called even a week before I did, I would have paid less for a nicer car.  Instead, I put it off until all that was left was a small car that was poorly cared for.  The reason I bring this up is to also point out that our economy is always changing.  Do you know that the options you are looking forward to will still be available in the future?  If your money isn’t prepared for the changes in our economy, you might end up with higher bill, less income and a lesser quality financial plan than you had originally intended.

I always urge my clients to think ahead.  I want their money to be secure and the only way to guarantee that is to start now.  Right now.  Who knows what financial options will be available in the future?  Like I mentioned before, if I had acted simply one week before I did then I could have had a much nicer rental car for a lower price.  The same mentality applies to your finances.

Maybe you’ve thought about what you want to do with your money, but still haven’t taken the time to actually take steps toward that goal.  I would love to sit down for a free visit with you and learn about the goals you have for your money and for your lives.  Please feel free to give me a call at (435)773-9444 to set up your free visit now.

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