
The Genealogy Corner… FamilySearch Clean Up – Part 2

shanna-jonesIssue 32.09

Part 2

We shouldn’t confuse “cleaning up” the new FamilySearch records with the aim of creating “perfect” records.  The clean up implies gathering all known data, ensuring temple work is done, then providing sources, making notes and just disputing erroneous relationships. 

Just like organizing an overstuffed closet or garage, the time we spend combining and enhancing records in the new FamilySearch will help everyone.  Everyone will reap the benefits as we link our ancestors.  We will help link their descendants who can then collaborate with each other.  If two heads are better than one, how much more will we accomplish when several of us pool our information and work together as a team?  One new piece of information may lead to a breakthrough in research.  We can divide the workload and break down brick walls.  In the long run, the clean up time will be very small compared to the time we will save by working together.

The beauty of the new FamilySearch program is that we all work together on the same database.  If one family member cleans up a family, it is cleaned up and ready to view for the next person that comes along.  If that person knows one more piece of the puzzle, it could easily be added and shared.  Many times there are people out there that we don’t even know we are related to, working on our family history.  We will be able to collaborate, share ideas and theories, and provide the evidence that we have to gather ancestors into family groups.

Occasionally someone will combine records incorrectly.  Many people have common names and even siblings with the same name.  These can easily be separated again.  Because nothing is lost in new FamilySearch, they are only combined into folders, the records can then be taken out of a folder and put in a new folder to create two separate individuals. 

Cleaning up the records can be done manually right in the new FamilySearch program or you can use an affiliate program such as FamilyInsight to synchronize your PAF records with the new FamilySearch data.  Ancestral Quest and RootsMagic will do the same.  These affiliate programs help you keep track of whom you have worked on and can even let you know if someone else has made changes since you have synchronized last.

Shanna Sullivan Jones is a professional genealogist now accepting new clients.  For additional information, Shanna can be reached at (435) 628-4900 or

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