
What Is Macular Degeneration?… Fruits And Vegetables Shown To Be Helpful

sharon-richens-051109Issue 38.09

Last month Dr. Richens discussed the ARMD study on Macular degeneration.  This week she continues with the second phase.

The second stage was designed to assess further information about the lutein and zeaxanthin and omega -on the development of AMD.

Enrollment concluded in June 2008 and participants will be followed between five and six years. 

We won’t know the full results of AREDS 2 for a number of years.  But in the meantime, it makes good sense to keep eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables for antioxidant nutrients, especially dark green leafy veggies which are good sources of lutein, and to eat fish at least 2-3 times weekly for their heart-healthy omega-3 fats.  If your eye doctor has recommended that you take supplements of the AREDS nutrients, be sure to follow that advice.  There are some macular degeneration patients that may need the amount of certain vitamins and minerals adjusted according to their certain circumstance. 

The right vitamins can make a big difference in your risk of getting macular degeneration.  If you already have macular drusen or advanced macular degeneration, the right vitamins can still slow the progression of the disease, and slow or prevent vision loss.

The studies showed clearly that vitamins do make a difference.  Vitamins, minerals and herbs are drugs.  The right amount is good medicine, more is NOT better and too much can be toxic.  Do not exceed the recommended doses of Vitamin A, D or E.  If you smoke, or quit smoking less than ten years ago, you should take preserVision, for smokers or I-Caps Multi-Vitamin, not Oculair.  If you have kidney failure you should not take any Vitamin A.  Vitamins need to be taken with food, after beginning or finishing a meal, not on an empty stomach.  Be sure your meal includes a little fat.  It doesn’t matter if it’s olive oil, dairy or meat, but you need a little fat in your tummy for all vitamins to be absorbed properly.  It’s imperative that you discuss this with your eye doctor before starting any new supplement, they can cause side effects especially those containing more than 80 mg. of zinc.  Also, vitamins and minerals are not monitored by the FDA and can very greatly in the quality of the product.  Biosyntrx ® is a high quality brand, but again please talk to your eye doctor before starting any new supplements.

For more information please call Richens Eye Center at 435-652-4040.

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