
Stay Warm & Healthy This Winter… Prepare Now

Issue 46.09

With winter approaching there are several things that Seniors can do to prepare for cold months. 

Prepare your home by reversing the spin on your ceiling fans to re-circulate the warm air down into the living area.  Experts recommend that furnaces receive a yearly maintenance check & thermostats be set no lower than 68 degrees.  Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they are working properly.  Have your fireplace chimney cleaned and keep the damper closed when not in use.  Make sure that any warm-air registers and radiators are clean and not blocked by furniture or curtains.  Remember to close your curtains when the sun goes down to prevent heat loss.

Seniors should keep at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food and water along with at least a seven-day supply of prescription medications in case the power goes out for any length of time.  Also, keep a supply of fresh batteries, extra flashlights and a battery-operated radio available.

When you leave your home, remember to dress properly – older adults are more susceptible to hypothermia which occurs when too much heat escapes the body.  It is important to dress warm by wearing layered, loose fitting clothing & a hat.  To avoid slips and falls, wear non-skid boots and shoes to help with traction. 

Lastly, remember to eat properly to ensure that you maintain a strong immune system and drink plenty of liquids to keep hydrated.  In addition, don’t forget to keep exercising – even in the winter you body needs to get exercise. 

Winter can still be an enjoyable season for seniors – especially if they take the necessary precautions to protect their health and safety.  It is also a great time of year to enjoy with friends – feel free to stop by, have lunch on us and meet some new friends at BeeHive Cottages!

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