
What To Look For In A Retirement Community… Feeding The Body And Soul

Issue 2.10

Deciding to move into an independent retirement community can be a scary thought, but it can also bring peace of mind in knowing that the worrisome responsibilities of owning a home and often living alone, can diminish.  When searching for the right retirement community, knowing what to look for can immensely alleviate stress and can help make the transition a positive experience.

For many, the cost of living is often the determining factor as to what retirement community to live in.  There are many different types of retirement living available and it is important to realize that you do not have to give up your entire life savings to live in one.  Many people are under the assumption that they must pay expensive, non-refundable buy-in and monthly fees to live in a decent retirement community.  However, on the contrary, there are retirement communities available that offer the exact same services and amenities without the expensive fees, where a month-to-month rent is only required.  Research your options and keep in mind that you can keep your hard earned money and still live in top-notch retirement community.

As with any retirement community, it is helpful to find out what services are included in the monthly rent.  More often, rent should include three meals a day, housekeeping, utilities, transportation, plus activities and social events.  Finding a community that includes all amenities and services can save you a lot of money.

A very important aspect to look for when shopping for the right retirement community is life enriching services and amenities that are available for senior citizens to continue to live a fruitful life.  A first-rate retirement community will offer rewarding activities that are beneficial to the body, mind, and soul.  A new look into retirement living offers opportunities for senior citizens to serve other seniors and society, which in return, will help enhance purpose and passion in the senior citizens lives-often referred to Seniors Serving Seniors/Society (SSS).  SSS often works with humanitarian groups such as Habitat for Humanity, local food banks, shelters, and other community outreach programs.

A great fitness program is also a vital element to a retirement community.  Everyone knows that the secret to a healthy body is to stay active, which is why it is important for a retirement community to offer opportunities for seniors to stay fit.  Cutting-edge physical fitness that is customized to senior citizens is crucial to any activity program.

Beyond the amenities and services a retirement community may offer, it is beneficial to find out what safety features the community offers.  Observe if emergency call systems are available, if fire sprinklers are present, and if the doors are secured at nighttime.  

Overall, when choosing a community, the right one will be the one that makes you feel like you are at home.  A happy community will come from a combination of friendly staff and satisfied residents.  If you know what amenities and services to look for, you can focus on choosing a community that makes you feel like you just arrived home, which is the most valuable key in shopping for the perfect retirement community for you.

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