
Genealogy Corner…Premier Members At FamilySearch

Issue 33.10

What is FamilySearch Premier membership?

Premier membership gives you access to view information in record collection on that might otherwise be restricted or might cost to view.
Why does FamilySearch have Premier membership?

Since they do not own all of the collections they publish, and some record owners require compensation to maintain their collection, this method enables more collections to be available for research. FamilySearch invests in private archives by preserving records and making these collections searchable. FamilySearch and the archives have agreed by contract to allow access to everyone that assists them in this process. Without Premier membership, you can usually search the indexes of the restricted collections; however, the images may not be freely available.
Are the benefits of Premier membership available to everyone?

Yes, they are available to everyone through any of the following methods:

Index records and earn 900 points within a calendar quarter.

Use any family history center located around the world to access FamilySearch.

Belong to a sponsoring organization, such as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or another company or society that sponsors FamilySearch.

Additional methods of contributing to FamilySearch may also qualify you for Premier membership.
How much do I have to index to earn 900 points?

Indexing for approximately a half hour every week would usually earn the qualifying 900 points in a calendar quarter:
What is the difference between being a “member” and being a “Premier member?”

A member is anyone who has registered for a FamilySearch account. Some collections will require the researcher to at least be a member in order to view the information in the collection. A Premier member is someone who has qualified based on the guidelines above.
Are there ever collections that a Premier member cannot view?

Indexes for most collections will be available to Premier members; however, some archives require that you view the images on their Web sites, and at times they may charge to view those images.

Shanna Jones is a professional genealogist. For additional information, Shanna can be reached at (435) 628-4900 or


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