
Richens Eye Center Schedules Grand Opening… New “Green” Facility In Historic Downtown

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Dr. Sharon Richens has relocated her ophthalmology practice, Richens Eye Center, to a new “green” facility in the historic downtown area of St. George and invites the public to stop by on Saturday, October 9, between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. to tour the facility and help celebrate the Grand Opening.

On September 17, 2010, Dr. Sharon Richens of Richens Eye Center, along with her associates, members of the community, and members of the Chamber Sunshiners held a ribbon cutting ceremony and tour of the new Richens Eye Center located at 161 West 200 North, St. George.

The new building was designed to harmonize with the classic architecture of the historic district while, at the same time, incorporating state-of-the-art technology to enhance patient care. The building also reflects Dr. Richens’ passion for a healthy environment by being designed to meet the high standards necessary for a near to a LEEDS (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified rating, a certification granted to high performance green buildings.

Building a green facility makes sense not only from an environmental perspective but from a fiscal perspective as well, Dr. Richens points out.  “The new building will be less expensive to maintain, healthier to work in, and more comfortable overall.  This will be a net gain for our patients, as well as for our staff,” she noted.

Green features include water conservation, interior features, and site selection.  Tapping into the city’s recycled water system results in a 100% reduction in landscape water usage while the interior design yields a 50% reduction in potable water usage.  Even the parking lot design contributes to the environmentally-friendly character of the building with a high solar index reflective rating gained through the use of concrete instead of asphalt and covered parking with a white reflective roof.

As for site selection, Dr. Richens commented that “St. George has such a sense of character and I wanted our new building to have a sense of place, to be within walking distance of the downtown.”

Dr. Richens, a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a Fellow of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, and her associates treat all types of eye diseases and conditions ranging from routine exams for eyeglasses to the need for specialized surgery.   Reed Gibb, OD, Joshua Terry, OD, and Kristin Tarbet, MD, FACS, FAAO join her in the practice.  For further information, visit the Richens Eye Center website:

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