
What Is Respite Care?… In-home And Out-of-home Care

Issue 42.10

The formal definition of “Respite Care” is the provision of short-term, temporary relief to those who are caring for family members who might otherwise require permanent placement in a facility outside the home.  At BeeHive Homes, we consider respite care to be the “gift of time” – providing caregivers a much needed temporary break from the often exhausting challenges imposed by constant caregiving.  These services usually involve overnight care for several days, which helps the family to take an extended break from the daily routine & stress.

Not all families have the same needs when it comes to respite care, and it is sometimes difficult to match those needs to the services available.  There are two primary categories of respite care – either in-home respite or out-of-home respite.  In-home respite provides care in the normal environment of the care receiver, which could be provided by licensed agency professionals, senior companion services, or friends & other family members.  Out-of-home respite includes adult day care services and the use of licensed medical facilities.  BeeHive Homes provides accommodations in our safe, family style assisted living environment with a full complement of health care services, nutritious meals, housekeeping services, 24 hour on duty staffing, social and recreational programs, along with all our other amenities. 

Not only can respite care have a positive effect on the caregiver, but often families are not aware that it can also be a very positive experience for their loved one.  If placed with well-trained experienced professionals, your loved one may thrive in a new stimulating environment and make new friends with those facing similar challenges in their lives. 

One final consideration that each family in question faces is locating a respite care that is affordable.  In an effort to help families in our Community struggling with the financial aspect of respite care, BeeHive Homes & Zion’s Way Home Health & Hospice are partnering together to sponsor a program providing up to 5 days of free respite care to selected families.  For further information, contact Mary at BeeHive Cottages (435)773-7966 or Gil at Zion’s Way (435)688-0648.

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