
Genealogy Corner… Utah South Area Gets Online Film Ordering

Issue 16.11

Family History Library (FHL) online film ordering became a reality in March for many residents of Utah, including Southern Utah. Like the new FamilySearch tree, online ordering is being rolled out gradually to family history centers (FHCs) in the United States and Canada. Now, patrons of FHCs south of “Point of the Mountain” were given the ability to place orders online. Point of the Mountain divides the Salt Lake Valley on the north from Utah Valley on the south.

The film ordering website is .

Anyone can place an order online after they sign up for an account. The website uses the same FamilySearch account as (the new website), the new FamilySearch tree (, FamilySearch Indexing, and the FamilySearch Wiki.

Films are not delivered to the patron’s home, but to a family history center or library with FHL film-loaning privileges. The patron must choose a center before submitting an order.

Once online ordering is available to the area served by an FHC, the FHC will no longer accept in-person orders. Patrons can place an order from any computer with an Internet connection, such as those at home, work, a public library, or an Internet cafe. To avoid liability issues, patrons are not encouraged to use FHC computers. When FHC computers are used to place online film orders, to avoid identity theft, patrons should take care that staff members and other patrons are not watching.

An “Ordering Help” icon is available on the website. The available help resources include a User’s Guide

A microform is a micro reproduction of one or more documents presented on either a reel of microfilm or flat sheets called microfiche. This type of documentation is for transmission, storage, reading, and printing. Microforms are ideal for the organization of documents because an original document is commonly reduced about 25 times making it much easier for storage, research, and shipping. By using these microforms in local family history centers and affiliate libraries, patrons can accomplish much history and genealogical research.

To order a microform for loan to family history centers, locate the microfilm number(s) you want to order from the Family History Library Catalog

Shanna Jones is a professional genealogist, for more information contact Shanna at 435-628-4900 or

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