
Genealogy Corner… SharingTime: Filling The Gaps In Familysearch

Issue 18.11

At a recent Q&A session at the RootsTech convention last February, there was a lot of talk about how the new FamilySearch could improve. One of the FamilySearch representatives told us to check out SharingTime because they had fixed some of the very issues mentioned in the discussion. Thus, I’d like to spend this month giving everyone a short intro to SharingTime.

Simplified Tree Navigation

With SharingTime you can hop around on your new FamilySearch tree. Type in a name and go directly to that branch of your tree. If you have forgotten your ancestor’s exact name you may search by various parts of an ancestor’s name. For example, typing in “bell” would give the suggestions “Bella” and “Campbell”.

One-Click Source Searching

Find sources faster. Select an ancestor and an available internet resource. They’ll do the rest by pre-populating the search with the data you have on new FamilySearch. This means you can search for a particular ancestor on dozens of sites in a matter of minutes. I’m all for less typing.

Contributor Circle

The Contributor Circle™ will collect the public contact info for anyone who has contributed to that ancestor’s immediate family into one simple form. They’ve included a pre-written e-mail to help get collaboration going.

Ancestor Watch

With two million users on new FamilySearch you’re bound to have someone update your pedigree with information.  When you run into a brick wall in your research, simply place the name on your watch list.  SharingTime will let you know when someone makes a potential break through, or any change. 

LDS Ordinance Tools

My favorite addition is their “Almost Temple Ready” list. It shows which ancestors only need one more piece of information to be ready for temple work. It also identifies which piece of information they need. That way you can steer your research to those that are almost there.

SharingTime is a plug-in service that integrates with the website. For more information and to start your free 30 day trial visit and click “Download”.

For more information contact Shanna S. Jones at 435-628-4900 or

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