
“Teeth-In-A-Day”- Too Good To Be True?

Issue 40.11

For many years Prosthodontists have been using specialized treatments to replace missing teeth with dental implants, but recently the approach to give patients the ability to chew with solid permanent teeth within 24 hours has been popularized in the local media.  There is even a “Teeth-In-An-Hour” approach, but we won’t get into that now.  So, can you really go from hopeless teeth or no teeth to permanent implant teeth all in one day?  The answer is, yes, it is a very possible treatment that has wonderful benefits for some people, but (you knew it was coming didn’t you) it’s not for everyone.  Here’s why:

First of all, the “Teeth-In-A-Day” approach usually requires a few appointments of preparation before that one day if you do not have an acceptable denture already or a whole list of other exceptions.

Secondly, it can be a long day.  Remember that a day is 24 hours and that this treatment can take every second of it.  Sometimes a less rushed approach has its benefits.

Third, the teeth that you get on that one day usually need to be replaced 4-24 months later.  So, keep in mind that treatment is not over after that one day.

Fourth, this approach is best with multiple splinted teeth or a single tooth out of occlusion along with a whole list of other potential limitations.

Finally, it may not be what you need at all.  A different approach may be more appropriate.  Remember, everyone’s dental condition is unique and one size does not fit all.  As a specialist in replacing missing teeth and restoring damaged teeth (Prosthodontist), Dr Andrus is uniquely qualified to help you sort through your options and provide the treatment that is right for you.

Rodney L Andrus, DDS, MS Prosthodontist, is Founder of  St George Center For SPECIALIZED DENTISTRY Expert Solutions For Challenging Dental Problems (435) 674-3100.

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