
Personal Stories Of WWII …Bombing With Flour

Issue 50.11

Evenings that we did not fly, often times we Ariel gunners would gather around the lone radio in the barracks and listen to the American Forces Network or to the German Radio Berlin and listened to ‘Lord Haw Haw’ and other personalities give out the latest news, Oh I mean propaganda. After the news, we then enjoyed listening to the best popular music of Glen

Miller, the Andrews Sisters, Frank Sinatra and others.

When we were a brand new crew and had not yet flown our first bombing mission. The German announcer said “We extend a welcome to Robert Parnell’s crew, we are anxiously awaiting your first encounter with the Yellow Nosed Squadron of the Luftwaffe and the tens of thousands ground guns of 88 mm and larger. I’m glad I’m not in your shoes.” Well something to think about. After the talk, we then enjoyed the good music. Some time later I was told that a German announcer said The American bombers have tried many times but have failed to demolish the world famous and huge Cologne Cathedral but it is still standing”.

Before our first mission we received much briefing information but pounded into our heads was the order.  “The one place in all of Germany that you must avoid damaging the ancient Cologne Cathedral”.

Months later well into our 35 missions on December 18th, 1944 we crews in the 351st Bomb Group were briefed to bomb the railroad marshaling yards which was located a short distance from the great cathedral. Of course we were reminded to take care and not harm the great cathedral. The day started off with no problems at takeoff, assembly and no flack or no bandits on the way but there was a solid overcast over the target, we and the other bomber groups circled the area for a seemingly endless time. The ground guns were wonderingly silent nor did we see any bandits. As time wore on, we were hoping that at least one ground gunner or one bandit would make just one pass at us. Now we weren’t losing our minds. If we didn’t get shot at we wouldn’t get credit for a mission. Well not a shot was fired and we landed back at our base with our bombs still aboard. This mission was different from all the rest.

I have been told that bombers of the 8th Air Force did bomb the cathedral with sacks of flour just to show the Germans that we could if we desired.

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