
Wear Your Hearing Aids Or Your Brain Will Rust!… Getting “Head Noises” When You Chew?

Issue 50.11

Over the course of several years I have seen many patients who do not want to wear their hearing aids.  Many of them complain that they feel all “plugged up” like their “head is in a barrel”, or that their own voice doesn’t sound natural.  When they chew crunchy foods like chips, carrots, or celery, the “head noises” drown out the conversation that they are trying to have with family or friends.  Often times they complain about not being able to talk on the phone without taking their aids out because of their annoying squeal.  Some say I hear people’s voices, but I just don’t understand what they are saying.  So they insist, why even put the hearing aids in.   These are real problems that nobody should have to deal with, especially with the advancement of technology and the ability to control frequencies individually.  If you are someone or know of someone who can identify with these problems, I invite you to call and come in and see me for a complimentary hearing evaluation in either of my Miracle-Ear Hearing Centers,    in St. George or Cedar City.  Based on your current audiometric evaluation and the hearing system you are wearing, I can educate you as to why you struggle with some of these problems.  My goal is to empower you to understand “why” and “how” you could improve your quality of life through better hearing!  You should not have to suffer with these side-effects!  Open-fit hearing instruments have revolutionized the way we fit individuals with certain types of hearing loss. 

For people who feel like they hear well, but have trouble understanding, there are significant advantages in having hearing instruments that allow for normal and natural sound without the “plugged feeling”.

If you are not happy with your current hearing aids, come in to Miracle-Ear and give me the chance to make a difference for you!  Open your drawer and get those old aids out and let’s see why they are not working.  

Call Miracle-Ear today (435-673-8743 or 435-867-5761) and come in for a free demonstration of this amazing new technology.  Isn’t it time to start listening to life again?

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