
Your Eyes, Your Health… What We All Need To Know

Issue 9.12

Do you find yourself squinting to read your favorite magazine? Has driving around town while running errands become more of a challenge, particularly at night? Are you constantly jockeying to sit in the chair closest to the TV—for a better view? If any of these scenarios hits home, you may have a common vision problem and not know it.

According to a study led by the National Eye Institute, the number of Americans with vision problems continues to rise. If your 20/20 vision followed you into middle-age, consider yourself lucky. Even if you had perfect vision as a child or young adult, it can naturally change as you get older.

Millions of people have less than perfect eyesight as a result of common vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia. Also, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and cataracts can cause loss of vision. These problems can easily be detected through a comprehensive dilated eye exam. Early detection and treatment can make a difference in preserving your eyesight.

Put a visit to your eye care professional for a comprehensive dilated eye exam on the top of your “to do” list. Different from the basic eye exam one has to get for glasses or contact lenses, comprehensive dilated eye exams can help protect your sight by making sure you are seeing your best and detecting eye diseases in their early stages, before vision loss has occurred.

Your eyes are an important part of your health. You use them all day and everyday and we tend to forget about taking care of what is important. Take care of them so you can be confident you’re seeing your best. Healthy vision can help keep you and others safe while you’re driving behind the wheel, participating in sports, or taking part in recreational activities. It can also help to ensure that you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle well into your golden years.

Make sure your vision is the best it can be. Take the time to schedule an eye exam today. You can call 1-435-986-2020 to reach Richens Eye Center. Dr. Sharon Richens, Dr. Reed Gibb or Dr. Joshua Terry can provide a thorough dilated eye exam, and most major medical insurance plans cover a comprehensive eye exam annually.

For more information on eye exams and common vision problems, visit

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