
Genealogy Corner… Indexing For Dummies

Issue 16.12

You probably have heard a lot about the 1940 U.S. Census recently as it was released from the National Archives on April 2.  FamilySearch Indexing is currently indexing this census.  You can help.  Here are some step by step instructions to help you get started.

You will need a computer and Internet access.  Go to and click on Get Started.   It will take you to another page where you will click Download Now.  This downloads a program onto your computer so you can index.  It works on a Windows, Macintosh or Linux computer connected to the Internet.

You will need a FamilySearch Account or an LDS FamilySearch Account.  If you already have one that gets you into, and other LDS Accounts, you are ready, you just log in with that.  Once you download the program, you will see a tree icon on your desktop.  Click the icon to open the program.  Sign in with your LDS account or your FamilySearch account if you are not LDS.  If you need to register for one, click on Register for a New Account.  If you have one, sign in with your user name and password.  There is a place to retrieve your user name and reset your password if you forgot them.

FamilySearch Indexing will open on your computer and a “My Work” page will appear.  Your role will be indexer in the beginning and just under your name you will see a Download Batch box, click on that.  You will see all of the projects available.  The system usually gives you an easy batch to start with and then you can choose what you want from the Download Batch box.  When you click on a batch, it downloads onto your computer and you have up to one week to finish it.

If you want to help with the 1940 census, look for US, Florida – 1940 Federal Census, or whatever states are available at the time.  This opens up the page on your computer for you to index the fields they want.    You just type what you see and follow the instructions.  Be sure to always read the project instructions first and read the field helps in each box because they tell you just what to type in each box.

Here is a link to more instructions including screen shots:

For more information, contact Shanna Jones or (435) 628-4900.

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