
Out Of Sight!

Issue 23.12

For most, hearing loss happens so gradually they don’t realize they are increasingly misunderstanding conversation.  It is those closest to the person suffering from hearing loss that identify a problem first as they become the interpreter, often repeating words of punch lines or clarifying what was said during a discussion.

There are two things to know about hearing loss.  First, you are not alone!  Hearing loss is the third most common chronic condition in senior Americans.  And, just as many, if not more people under the age of 65 suffer from hearing loss as those over the age of 65.  So, if you think others seem to mumble, or you are asking people to repeat themselves, chances are the person you are talking to is having difficulty as well.

Secondly, there is help!  At Miracle-Ear, we can get you back into the conversation.  Did you know overall customer satisfaction for hearing instruments is in the top third of all products and services in the United States?  When combined with appropriate counseling and rehabilitation, hearing aids have been shown to improve the social and economic lives of users.

Everyone expects to hear better with hearing aids.  But a lot of people also expect the hearing aids to be their little secret. 

At Miracle-Ear, we’re okay with that.  In fact, Miracle-Ear became famous by developing some of the smallest, most advanced hearing aids available.  It started in 1955 with the introduction of the world’s first all-in-the-ear hearing aid, and it continued right up through 2011 with the debut of Miracle-Ear Mirage, the hearing aid that’s 100% invisible in the ear.

Now it’s 2012, and we’re thrilled to announce two recent additions to our lineup of ultra-discreet hearing aids;

*New Miracle-Ear Mirage 3100, extending the benefits of our “100% invisible” hearing aid to a broader spectrum of lifestyles and budgets.

* New Miracle-Ear mini RIC- our smallest, most cosmetically appealing receiver-in-the-canal hearing aid

Is it possible to enjoy sophisticated hearing aid technology, without telling the world you have a hearing loss?  Yes!   

If you suspect hearing loss and want to find out what is going on, come in to Miracle-Ear now and get it checked out.  Why wait?  The hearing evaluation is complimentary and there is no obligation.  When it comes to your overall health and wellness, shouldn’t your hearing be a part of your concern also?  If you do have hearing issues and need help, mention this article and receive a 25-50% discount on select Miracle-Ear hearing solutions. 

Call 673-8743 now, make your appointment today and take advantage of these significant savings!

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