
Managing Dizziness And Balance Disorders… Upcoming Seminar/Workshop

Issue 38.12

Dizziness is a term used to describe everything from feeling lightheaded and faint, to feeling weak and unsteady on one’s feet.   Lightheadedness is a feeling that you are about to pass out, but you do not feel like your surroundings are “moving”.  Vertigo is a feeling in which you or your environment is moving or spinning.  Both conditions can be severe enough to cause concern for falls and other injuries.

There are many causes of vertigo including inflammation or fluid in the inner ear, Meniere’s disease, and Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo.  BPPV is a very common form affecting at least 9 out of every 100 older adults. BPPV occurs when pieces of calcium carbonate material in the ear break free and fall into another area within the inner ear.   When this happens, normal movements, such as moving in a bed, result in dizziness or spinning.

 Vertigo or dizziness affects millions of people around the world and in some cases it can be a debilitating illness.  Fear of falling is the number one health concern of most seniors in their later years. 

The Balance Center located in the Coral Desert Health Center on Foremaster Drive specializes in the treatment of Dizziness and Balance Disorders.  They are the only Center in St. George equipped with the “Epley Omniax” computerized patient positioning apparatus for more effective diagnosis & treatment for patients suffering from balance disorders such as BPPV.  If you have BPPV, the Omniax can help to determine the cause & take the necessary steps to stop the vertigo.

Any problems with dizziness or balance disorders can cause very serious issues and require medical attention to ensure safety and quality of life.  The Balance Center works as a team with primary care physicians and specialists to uncover the causes of dizziness and recommend treatment options for these problems. 

The Balance Center will be conducting a free comprehensive Seminar with more information regarding causes & treatments of dizziness and balance disorders.  This Seminar will be held at the BeeHive Cottages Community Center at 2041 S. Mesa Palms Drive (off Tonaquint Drive) on Wednesday, September 26th at 630PM.  Light refreshments will be served.  Seating at this seminar is limited – please call 773-7966 for reservations and directions.


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