
The Dental Implications Of Cancer Treatment

Issue 38.12

Radiation therapy for cancer of the head and neck and general chemotherapy for cancer anywhere in the body can cause significant problems in the mouth that make it critical to see a dentist before starting these treatments.

1. Both types of treatment can cause temporary damage to the lining of the mouth (Mucositis) that can make brushing and flossing very painful.  Without dental counseling, normal oral hygiene often may be neglected with consequences that are usually extensive, expensive, and debilitating. 

2. Both types of treatment can cause a change in the chemistry of saliva (Xerostomia) that can result in infections of all kinds in the mouth and teeth.  Although dry mouth is usually temporary in chemotherapy, it can be permanent with radiation therapy to the head and neck.  The effects of this can also be extensive, expensive and debilitating.

3. Radiation therapy can cause permanent damage to the bone of the jaws so that is will not heal itself (Osteoradionecrosis).  If infections are present at the time of radiation therapy or if surgical procedures are needed anytime in the future of an individual’s life, this could be a serious issue.  Dental problems are best dealt with beforehand to avoid this serious side effect.

Cancer treatment is usually more effective when begun without much delay.  However, even some very simple dental procedures take at least 10-14 days to heal before it is safe to begin radiation therapy to the head and neck, but delay for extensive dental rehabilitation is unfortunately sometimes not practical.  Indeed, maintaining a healthy mouth at all times is always a good idea, but getting to a dentist for a simple check before beginning cancer treatment can make a huge difference in avoiding or lessening the side effects.

As southern Utah’s only ADA recognized specialist in treating patients with missing and damaged teeth (a Prosthodontist), Dr Andrus is uniquely qualified to help you. He can be reached at 435-674-3100.

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