
Genealogy Corner… Enhancements

Issue 17.13

If you have visited lately you have seen the banner about site enhancements to discover, preserve and share your family story.  Not only can you research at FamilySearch and share your data, but you can participate in the worldwide family tree.  You can correct the data that is already there, you can upload photos to be permanently archived and you can add stories to the individuals in your family tree.

Everything is coming together. is the main page.  From there you can choose what you would like to do.  Family Tree is replacing new FamilySearch.  Click on Family Tree and see what’s new and what’s different.  Learn is going to help you with a wide variety of learning resources.  Here you find the Research Wiki, Research Courses, Discussion Forums and how to find the basic steps to begin.  FamilySearch Centers helps you find free, personal help with your family history centers, genealogical resources, free classes and research support.  Indexing is vital!  Indexing makes ancestral records searchable so more people can find their ancestors.  Records are located, once microfilmed, now digitally photographed and converted so that they are placed online to be indexed.  Once indexed, they are searchable by name, making family history research much more efficient and easy. The Blog page includes insights into the future of FamilySearch and the past.  You will find RootsTech 2013 in Review, new site changes information, partner news, tricks and tips, etc. helps you easily upload your photos, one at a time or multiple photos at a time.  You can tag the faces to identify the people in your photos, organize them into albums and then connect photos to ancestors in your family tree.  If you ever want to see someone get excited about their family history, show them a photo of an ancestor they have never seen before.  Stories can now be added via the beta photos site at  You can copy and paste the stories in from any word processing program or from your Personal Ancestral File or genealogy program notes. 

These new enhancements are really adding personality and fun to the FamilySearch website.  It is no longer just names, dates, and places.  Now we have names with photos, dates with stories and places with sources or some combination of these things that really bring our ancestors to life.

For more information, contact Shanna S. Jones (435) 628-4900

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