
: The 3 G Process Of Grief: …Grief, Gratitude, Grace

Issue 24.13

At some point in our life we will experience grief and loss.  No one is exempted from the pain of loss and separation during life’s journey here on earth.  Even Jesus experienced grief in his lifetime.  The Bible states, “Jesus wept” before the tomb of his friend, Lazarus, which shows that he too experienced these feelings of human loss and separation. 

I recently experienced this grieving myself.  A dear friend and colleague had a massive heart attack and died unexpectedly. It was a shock to all who knew him.  Just two weeks before, we had been together, sharing laughs, meals and good conversations.  He was his usual fun-loving and upbeat self.  He seemed in robust health and full of life.   Little did I know this would be the last time I would see him.  I find it hard to accept the reality that he is no longer with us.  

My wife and I attended his memorial service in Flagstaff, AZ two weeks ago.  During the service I read a poem, entitled “To Those I love.”  The words seem to echo what he would probably say to his family and friends.  “Don’t grieve for me.  I have lots of wonderful things to do with God.  I love you and I treasure all the love you have given me.”

I am filled with Gratitude for that love between us, and the wonderful memories of laughing and sharing common interests and experiences together.  When I think of our friendship, the words of Dr. Seuss come to mind to give some consolation in my grieving:  “Don’t be sad that it’s over.  Be glad that it happened.”  I’m so grateful for having had Konrad in my life and for having shared in part of his life.  It was only a brief seven years, but I will treasure every moment we had together.

Both of us are Unity Ministers.  We both believe there is life after death – where we will meet once again and share our love and laughter together for all eternity.  This faith is a gift of God’s Grace to us that lights our way through the dark moments of life’s journey and helps us through our grieving. 

The process of Grief, Gratitude and Grace helps lift the veil of loss and separation we experience from time to time.  As we move through this process, we will come to know we can never be separated from those we love and who love us; as the poem compassionately and wisely states:  “It is only for a while that we are separated.  So bless the memories within your heart.”

To obtain more information about hospice and bereavement services, contact David Isom or Debbie Cox at 634-9300 in St. George and Lisa Ross at 635-9300 in Hurricane.  

Rev. Luigi Persichetti is the spiritual counselor for Southern Utah Home Care and Hospice and retired Unity minister from Unity Center of Positive Living in St. George.

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