
Genealogy Corner… Do We Still Need A Desktop Genealogy Program? Part 1

Issue 27.13

Part 1

I get this question a lot: Do I still need a genealogy program on my computer or is Family Tree enough?  My answer is “It depends!”  If you are just beginning and you don’t already have a genealogy program with any data in it, then you could use Family Tree at to keep your family information safe.  However, there are many reasons to have your own database on your own computer.

If we put all of our information in FamilyTree and someone changes it, we don’t have anything to go back to as a reference.  If we happen to have a paper copy that we started with, then yes you could just use the Family Tree exclusively.  Having a desktop program is not absolutely necessary for a once-in-a –while genealogist. 

Family Tree isn’t the best place for storing living information or any skeletons you aren’t ready to unveil.  You are allowed to add living and they will be private and viewable only to you. 

The biggest reason to have your own genealogy software program is to keep your data pure.  You know where it came from and who is changing it and you can keep it as a reference as you add the information to the Family Tree.  Plus if someone makes a change to the family tree that you don’t agree with, you have something to fall back on.  I find it is best to compare my program with the Family Tree and correct the Family Tree information as I go.  I also add as many sources as I can find, especially those freely available at’s Search.  That is where you will find all of the records recently indexed by FamilySearch Indexing, over a billion.  I also standardize the dates and places and tag the sources wherever possible.  This stops incorrect changes.  I can also look for possible duplicates and mark those who are not a match so that they won’t come up again.

Printing fancier reports and customs charts and forms is one of the big reasons people buy genealogy software.  There are many programs with lots of bells and whistles, so you can choose which one you want to use.  There is a list of them at with everything from Windows to Mac to Mobile devices.  As of this writing only RootsMagic could talk back and forth to FamilySearch Family Tree but the others are working rapidly to upgrade their programs, as there is a deadline looming. 

Continued next week.

For more information, contact Shanna Jones 435-628-4900

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