
Have The Talk

Issue 42.13

Last month I shared information about our participation in “Have the Talk of A Lifetime”, a national effort to encourage families to have conversations about life and what matters most.  Although we may know about some of the big moments in the lives of our loved ones, we may not know much about the other experiences and people who helped shape them.   Sitting down with our loved ones to talk about their lives can be rich and satisfying.  Learning about memorable events and people, places and favorite activities as well as values and lessons they have learned, can help bring us closer to those we care about most. 

Having the talk of a lifetime can make the difference of a lifetime.  It can help reacquaint us with our loved ones and help us get to know them in a new and different way.  Finding a way to start talking with a loved one may be the most difficult part; however we might find that once the conversation is started, it may be hard to stop.

The list below offers some ideas for questions that might help get the conversation started or help your loved one share their story:

What did your parents think of the music you listened to growing up?  What are some of your favorite songs?   Tell me about your favorite teacher.  What was one piece of advice you received from you parents or grandparents that you never forgot? What is your proudest achievement?  Tell me about the most memorable summer you had growing up?  Tell me about your first job?  Did you learn something from a boss or a co-worker that’s helped you over the years?  Tell me about one of the most difficult things you’ve had to endure?  What did you learn from it?  How do you hope you are remembered?  What do you not want people to forget about you?  What advice do you have for me?  Ask questions about hopes, family, friends, dreams accomplishments, pleasures, talents, values and events. 

There are no rules for how to have the talk or how often, only that you make time to do so.  Everyone has a story to tell and there’s always something more that we can learn about the one-of-a-kind lives our loved ones have had.

Sharing stories and reflecting on a person’s life offers opportunities to remember how our loved ones shaped and influenced our lives.  Acknowledging the importance of loved ones in your lives is an essential step in the healing process following the loss of a loved one.

“Have the Talk of A Lifetime” brochures are available at Metcalf Mortuary, 288 West St. George Blvd., St. George and 140 North Main in Hurricane or you can visit our website at to watch a video and download the “Have the Talk of a Lifetime” suggestions.

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