
Genealogy Corner… Portrait Pedigree

Issue 3.14

FamilySearch Family Tree has recently introduced a new way to display family pedigree information.  This new format is called the portrait pedigree.  The new portrait pedigree format is in addition to the standard traditional pedigree and the fan chart. 

The portrait pedigree is a vertical pedigree with pictures.  The starting person is shown at the bottom, with the ancestors going up.  For each person, the pedigree shows the name, birth and death years (the lifespan), and the portrait photo if there is one.  To switch to the portrait pedigree and back to the pedigree or fan chart views, you use the selector in the upper-left corner.  The selector is now a drop-down list where you can choose Portrait, Traditional or Fan Chart.  It will keep your chose as the default until you change it again.

The portrait pedigree works like the other views.  You can click a person’s name to show the person card.  From the person card, you can go back to the pedigree on that person by clicking Tree.  You can see the details page by clicking Person.  To go directly to the person’s sources, photos, discussions or stories, just click the words. 

For more information, contact Shanna Jones 435.628.4900.

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