
Personal Stories Of WWII…Two Brothers

Issue 9.14

Two brothers, Clyde and Stirling Patton from Orem, Utah went in the Military during World War 2. Clyde went into the Army Air Corp and a crewmember on a heavy bomber that flew missions over Germany. Stirling was a company commander in an engineer unit also in the war against Germany.

Clyde’s crew was shot down over Germany and Clyde was a prisoner of war until final victory. As the war was nearing an end, Clyde awoke one morning singing and whistling. His fellow prisoners asked Clyde why he was so happy. Clyde answered,

“Today my brother, Stirling, is going to liberate us.” His buddies scoffed at him but that didn’t slow the exuberance of Clyde. Later that afternoon, the American Army drove into the P. W. camp as the German guards melted away.

Sure enough, Clyde’s brother Stirling, was in charge of the unit that liberated the prisoners. Clyde and Stirling had an unusual and joyous reunion.

We don’t know how Clyde knew when he was to be liberated and that it would be his brother that would liberate him.

As told to Sam Wyrouck by Wilfred Green.

Sam Wyrouck can be contacted at 801-707-2666.

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