
Are You Sleepless in St. George?

Issue 11.14

If you have difficulty sleeping at night, you’re not alone.  Some 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders every night, and most of those go through life undiagnosed.  Medical experts say that even though one out of every four people regularly fails to get a good night’s sleep, most don’t even realize they have a sleep disorder—and as a result, they may be putting themselves in a life-threatening situation.

Dr. Shad Morris, a sleep expert at Premier Sleep Solutions in St. George and a member of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, said, “If you have trouble sleeping at night, it could be more than just an inconvenience.  In fact, you could be suffering from a serious medical condition called sleep apnea.  Sleep apnea has been linked to heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and even depression.  What’s more, sleep apnea causes 38,000 deaths each year, and it’s been estimated that 200,000 auto accidents each year are sleep related.”

Morris added that many people suffering from sleep apnea have unsuccessfully tried to remedy their condition using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine.  “CPAP machines can be cumbersome and uncomfortable, so unfortunately, many of these devices end up in the closet.  If you’re struggling with your CPAP machine, there is an alternative treatment you should consider—oral appliance therapy from Premier Sleep Solutions.  Oral appliances resemble mouthpieces or bleach trays, and as such, are not connected to any type of external apparatus, nor do they involve masks which come in direct contact with your face.  In some cases, oral appliances have been proven to be as effective as CPAP machines in treating sleep apnea.”

Premier Sleep Solutions is approved to bill Medicare for the oral appliance treatment, and the oral appliance most often used by Premier Sleep Solutions is Medicare approved.  In addition, most medical insurance providers cover sleep-related treatments, so patients’ out-of-pocket costs are minimal or even non-existent.  Premier Sleep Solutions will bill patients’ medical insurance company as a courtesy.

For a limited time, Premier Sleep Solutions is offering free sleep consultations.  To make an appointment for a free consultation, call Premier Sleep Solutions at (435)319-0478 or visit  Premier Sleep Solutions is located at 75 S. 100 E. Suite 1E in St. George.  The company also has an office in Salt Lake City.

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