
Ed’s Up On City Council Issues… Coming Of Age

Issue 41.14

A Tourist Community Driven By The $pirit

October 2nd City Council Meeting presented the Coming of Age for the City of St. George…… The City clearly identified itself for what it IS….. What it has BECOME (Under the Command of the longest tenured City Manager in the State and perhaps the nation)….. TOURIST TOWN, USA. Fortunately we can still see and feel Spiritual Elements that created City….. Although standing for Principals appears to be declining as evident by City’s refusal to admit politicizing of Code Enforcement Practices….. It’s now OK to schedule events to coincide with General Conference….. Work ethics dedicated to Pulling and Pushing the Cart forward remain….. Diversity ($ making ventures) dominate…..Pushing City Employee  Issues aside is OK. City Manager is sustained by Council placing Seal of Approval…..  Ready to subsidize Lions Club with 2 Million of Public $ so they can say they are keeping Cultural Values alive…… Strong cultural base supported by the Business Community makes it possible. (Until such time as citizens demand an increase in number of Council Members you can expect no change in who controls City Council.)

The packed Council Chamber was alive with excitement of coming events……The cogs in the Cart Wheel could be heard comfortably straining, carrying the City forward….. The Pioneer Spirit of the PEOPLE is alive and well…… Attracting Tourist/Visitors from distant lands (Brought here by the Marathon Race, Huntsman Senior World Games and the Beautiful Land known as America…. the Land of the Free.)

City Manager leads the charge with loyal Staff….. (All appeared comfortably familiar with task at hand and mingle nicely with visiting friends.)  City Manager was seen to smile and interact more openly than usual…… Expressing happiness and pride in what was unfolding as he helped to host those representing our Sister City from Japan. (For the moment, gone was the Autocratic Demeanor he has developed with almost 40 years of service as City Manager.)  A welcomed observation, for those of us that watch the behind the scene manipulations of city government and recognize the significance of his accomplishments. (You don’t last 40 years as City Manager without having a strong presence and influence on those elected to City Council and in helping to get them elected….. including the selection of Department Heads who perform above expectations.) Little to no change with replacement of Figurehead, former mayor as long as City Manager Esplin remains in power…… Pretty impressive. Kudos to Mr. Esplin.

This meeting featured the Huntsman Senior World Games and the City’s Annual Marathon Race. (That bring in Millions of Dollars to City coffers.) Top billing was given to ARTS (All forms)…..Today’s agenda included “Awarding the Bid for the Renovation of the Electric Theater” to the tune of $3 Million. An amount exceeding the $2.2 Million budgeted for the continued development of the “ARTS”….. Intended to supplement the City’s Ability to generate sales tax revenue. (Establish and maintain attractive Tourist activities/enticements.)

The public may occasionally need reminding….. The City is an Incorporated Business Entity…… Acts in concert with Chamber of Commerce goals promoting profitable business ventures. However you may feel about the transition taking place, you can bet that the people appear to have accepted the fact, that there is more to life than work and going to Church. TOURIST TOWN, USA appears, more worldly each passing day.  It’s a fine line the City is walking, combining making money and helping those in need and being of service to others. Spiritual Values appear to be waning….. The fabric that helped to create and bind this community together is being tested.

This theory is supported by City Manager when he stated….. Financial support for the Electric Theater is made possible by the City selling acquired property and is able to place money raised in the General Fund….. Thus giving the City latitude on where and how it spends money. (We all know who works in the DARK and who works in the LIGHT.) As a matter of practice sales and purchases of property IS done BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. It is problematic that the Public is kept in the dark on such matters. The previous Council Meeting ended with the Council moving to a Closed Session for the purpose of discussing the Sale of Property. The accepted practice….. Ever increasing, seems to support the fact that, the Spiritual Side of Community, that we hang our hat on to protect us is diminishing.

One is led to believe that people come to City seeking only recreation and to party. Surely in our minds we can see Cart Wheels of past turning to bring people here for a greater purpose. If they are to judge us by the honesty and integrity of our city government will they come to the right conclusion?

Thank you, ED BACA

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