
The Size Of Your Neck Could Be Tied To How You Sleep At Night

Issue 40.14

The size of your neck may be useful in determining risks for various sleep disorders like snoring and sleep apnea.  That’s the conclusion of a recent statement issued by the National Sleep Foundation.  As a result, I’m now considering this factor in my company, Premier Sleep Solutions, when treating individuals with sleep apnea.

It’s a well known fact that individuals who are overweight or obese can be more susceptible to having sleep apnea (sleep apnea is an involuntary cessation of breathing while a person is asleep.  It can occur hundreds of times each night, with each episode lasting up to several minutes).  As a person gains weight, the neck grows larger in circumference.  The weight of neck tissue can actually cause the airway in the throat to partially collapse, causing sleep apnea.

At Premier Sleep Solutions, we’ve learned that if the circumference of a man’s neck is greater than 17 inches and a woman’s neck is greater than 15 inches, this could be an indicator of a potential sleep problem.  If your neck size is larger than this, I’d suggest you visit our office to learn more about sleep apnea. Many people with sleep apnea aren’t aware of the problem since they often sleep through an incident.

Premier Sleep Solutions, specializes in treating patients suffering from sleep apnea by fitting them with custom-made oral appliances.  These appliances, which are similar to bleach trays in appearance, can often be used in place of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines. While CPAP machines have been used for years, recent research has shown that in many cases, custom-made oral appliances can be as effective as CPAP in treating sleep apnea.  Plus, in my experience, a substantial percentage of patients find CPAP machines to be so cumbersome that they eventually refuse to use them regularly, and as a result, their overall health suffers.

Most insurance companies now cover oral appliance therapy and the oral appliances. Medicare is leading the way relative to standard of care within the industry.  

For more information about oral appliances or to schedule a patient consultation, please contact Premier Sleep Solutions in St. George at (435)319-0478 or visit our website at  Premier Sleep Solutions has offices in St. George and Salt Lake City, Utah, San Antonio, Texas, Los Angeles and Newport Beach, Calif.  The St. George office is located at 75 South 100 East, #1E, St. George, UT 84770. 

Dr. Shad Morris, DMD ,is  a member of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, the only certified diplomate of the American Academy of Sleep and Breathing in Southern Utah, and CEO of Premier Sleep Solutions LLC. 

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