
Ed’s Up On City Council Issues… City Expresses Gratitude With Humility As Thanksgiving Day Approaches

Issue 48.14

November 20th City Council Meeting ushered in the beginning of the holiday season with bit of fanfare….. Affectionately recognizing students representing 5 local Intermediate Schools, who traveled to our sister city of 26 years, Ibigawa, Japan. We as a community were able to acknowledge the building blocks that led to the development of children with values reflecting love and compassion for their neighbors. Mr. & Mrs. Erin Langston were able to follow along with the audience as their daughter, Tristin ran through a litany of experiences that broadened the education of students. It also gave testimony to Family Values which serve as the bedrock of our community. We were able to experience the joy felt by the children of Ibigawa and St. George that brought us closer to the realization of what it means to Love Thy Neighbor. (Dallin H. Oaks “Surely we can teach our children values and standards of behavior without having them distance themselves or show disrespect to any who are different”).

Yes indeed we have a lot to be grateful for. In spite of the dangers we find our nation experiencing in these times of deceit and distrust….. We can take comfort in the knowledge, that however imperfect we may find our national and city government….. There remains a Podium….. A rainbow of brightness over our city bringing with it….. Hope of improved prosperity and transparency….. Enabling citizens to participate in the democratic process that protects the Republic for which we stand in respect.

This Council Meeting revealed a token of respect when Mayor Pike presented 13 names of individuals to serve on an Active Transportation Commission….. Providing oversight to elements of mass transit. An Ad-Hoc Committee to help in planning transportation needs.

Transparency was further advanced with the announcement by Mayor Pike that upon return from thanksgiving holiday (December 4th), he will submit the names of individuals to serve on City Airport Board that will, upon approval of City Council be called to serve.

My friends, I cannot over emphasize the importance of the creation of a City Airport Board. It stands as monumental achievement over those powerful forces in city government who have worked relentlessly to limit to a select few the running of city affairs to the detriment of our large and growing city with diverse views and values. This I believe is a Big Step towards securing our freedom as citizens of St. George. The City does not belong to a select few who view themselves as the Elite and tenured few….. But to all of us who call St. George home. These efforts for improved Transparency are viewed as positive steps in that public awareness is sure to be advanced. I for one am personally grateful to see and hear Mayor Pike take steps to keep “Promises Made” during his election campaign and look forward to continued efforts in this regard as it pertains to a Human Relations Commission, Reform of Code Enforcement and Ordinances….. Still left wanting for improvement of City Government.

Acting as the Neighborhood Redevelopment Agency….. The Council approved a tax incentive agreement with Viracon, Glass Manufacturer that will bring 220 full time jobs to our local workforce.  57 acres will be added to Ft. Pierce Industrial Park which will have 3 buildings on site. This will allow site to create new business by providing incentive to capture taxes. Industrial Brush is expected to hire 23 and Environmental Stonework’s up to 50 new employees.

Firehouse Subs Public Foundation (Great sandwiches) was given approval to receive granted funds which will be supportive of City Fire Department. As I recall our local Firehouse Sub’s was recently granted $15,000 to be used in this worthwhile effort. Fire Chief Stoker expressed his appreciation on behalf of Fire Fighters.

This is but a few of the many items we as a City have reason to be grateful and feel blessed to have received.  May you each enjoy this coming Thanksgiving Day. Thank you, ED BACA

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