
Ed’s Up On City Council Issues… I Can’t Dance Don’t Ask Me – In St. George You Can Ask And You Can Dance

Issue 46.14

Public Places Require A Permit For Health And Safety Reasons

Schools And Churches Are Exempt-Another Case Made For Code Enforcement Reform

November 6th City Council Meeting brought forth the bad rap the City received from members of the community that even extended to Saturday Night Live television show concerning Public Dancing.  It put into focus the statement made by former city councilman, Randy Wilkinson who was in attendance during public presentations and patiently waited to present his request for changes to his Mixed Use enterprise……. Randy looked at the council…..  Commiserating with what the Council has to endure simply said, “I feel Blessed not to be on the council”.  It made me chuckle and the council warmed to the thought that someone felt their pain. By the way Randy’s request to modify the plans on Joule Plaza was approved and hopefully we will soon see a ground breaking event.

Tiffany Barnes, standing before the council with a large contingent of supporters seated behind her (Not all youth. Included a tinge of Older Folks) got right to the point. Tiffany’s emotions caused her voice to break and eyes to tear up as she explained she represented city dancers….. to state their case….. “Remove any need for permits for dancing”.  I took it as a plea to Council, Say It Isn’t So (We can Dance in City of St. George) and the Council replied….. You Can Dance in Saint George”. Tiffany acknowledged Money and Breach of the Peace issues….. Explained Dancers were seeking answers and questioning the FRIVOLOUS city regulations. Tiffany stated….. Certain Rights were being violated….. Right to Assemble….. Freedom of Expression….. Leading to a waste of Tax Dollars to enforce regulations that caused her group to essentially lose the vision on how to retain a sustainable dance experience for all youth.  Tiffany solicited Council to present their reasons for restricting dancing……  Suggesting that their concerns could be tabled to allow them to come up with solutions to Council input. (Human Relations Commission Needed).  We are no longer just an LDS community. We are diversified and need to listen and pay attention to all concerns.

Councilman Almquist acting as Mayor Pro-tem informed Tiffany and her following that the City does not have an Ordinance against dancing. Permits are required.  Dancers replied “We should not have to jump through hoops to dance”…..  “We should not be told we can’t dance”.  I was encouraged to hear Councilman Almquist is knowledgeable on City Ordinances. (Some Readers may be heard to say)…… Why is he picking on my Stake President? Let me say, I am not….. However, I am holding My City Councilman….. Who happens to hold the office of Stake President, accountable for his actions. I wish to hear his stated position on Code Enforcement and how he and the City should conduct themselves when implementing and enforcing city ordinances.  The Dance Issue serves to substantiate public confusion created by vague and ambiguous City Ordinances….. Without applying tacit admission of neglect or wrong doing on the part of citizens or city….. Highlighted is the need for the city to stop dodging the issue of Code Enforcement Reform.  “Houston We Have a Problem”.  Perhaps we should ask NASA to help solve our Code Enforcement Problem.  We can’t continue to go about denying a Problem Exists on how City Ordinances are perceived and misunderstood.  Mayor Pike promised that a review of ALL city ordinances would be conducted and his promise was supported by present Council Members. They need to stand up and be counted and do what is right for the people of Saint George and those that do business here.

Now if this is not enough on City Ordinances….. The second segment of Comments from the Public urged the Council to adopt an ordinance intended to protect the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community from discrimination. Matthew Jacobson stood before the Council….. And stated, I was Born and Bred in St. George and I am part of the Arts Community….. My Roots Run Deep and, I am Gay. Matthew’s mother was present and she was to stand next to her son during his presentation…..However, it was not to be as his mother received a phone call from the Hospital where she is scheduled to have surgery tomorrow morning requiring that she be excused.  All could feel the love between mother and son. Matthew’s presentation contained statistics and his personal experience of discrimination…..Having lost his job when employer learned that he was Gay. Matthew asked Council to follow example of the LDS Church. Light the Way to Fair Treatment. Matthew ended saying, think of “How well we perform not just who we love”.

Patricia Kent, past candidate for City Council addressed the Council stating she was 63 years of age and has worked in many capacities. She has experienced Race Discrimination, Gender and other forms. Patricia’s opposed the request made by Matthew and LGBT….. Citing that the Constitution protects all of us, inclusive of race and gender issues and property rights.  Patricia opined that City does not need an Anti- Discrimination Ordinance that will discriminate against Employers. Patricia softened her remarks saying her family includes homosexuals. “I do not support their life style”. They are pushing their life style on us, the majority. Laws of the land exist….. Follow them, this is their recourse.  Side Note: State Senator Steve Urquhart, Attorney representing Gold Cross Ambulance delayed implementation of City Ambulance Ordinance by questioning wisdom of City Government Infringing on Private Business.  As State Senator he placed before State Lawmakers….. Anti-Discrimination Bill protecting LGBT Community…..  It appears Steve deems it OK to infringe on Private Business in one regard but not on another. Can it be, when it concerns client, Gold Cross Ambulance, government should be restricted?  I can’t help but wonder why and who in City Government supports him at expense of Public Safety.                                     Thank you, ED BACA.

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