
Okay, So I Need A Little Help, Now WHAT?

Issue 46.14

Okay so, I’m finally ready to admit to myself that I need a little help!  I’m not yet ready to admit it to my children, or anyone else, and I’m certainly are not ready to leave the home that I love or give up my independence.  Nor do I want to become an employer, and deal with all of the headaches of employees, Interviewing, hiring, firing, liability insurance, workman’s compensation insurance, state and federal taxes, social security withholdings. 

Okay so what do I do, what are my options?

Have you ever felt like this? 

All you really need is for someone to take you shopping, running errands a couple of times a week, or maybe to do the laundry and change the bed linens – things that used to be so easy but now seem daunting.  Possibly you are the caregiver for your loved one and just want someone to give you a break – caring for your loved one, while you go out for a drive or to see friends or family.  Maybe, you just want to have a caregiver around during challenging physical tasks, for you or your loved one, like showering, getting dressed, entering vehicles or taking a walk outside to help to prevent dangerous and painful falls.   

So how can you easily get the help you need without any contracts, insurances, taxes or other complications?

If the help you need is some or all of the things mentioned above, and you want to stay in your home and avoid the complications of being an employer, then you will want to talk to a Personal Care Agency like Kind Hearts Senior Care.  PCA’s will take care of the hiring headaches such as interviewing, doing background checks, and training caregivers.  Exactly what can a Personal Care Agency do and how it is done, how much does it costs, how to choose the right agency, pay for service, and how to learn to trust a Personal Care Agency?  These are all questions we will answer in the coming weeks in this column, or for answers now call or visit us!

Roland Whatcott can be contacted at Kind Hearts Senior Care at: or 435-216-9404 Making Lives Better…One at a Time!


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