
Ed’s Up On City Council Issues… City Faced With Hard Questions Accepts Reality And Acts Responsibly

Issue 51.14

Acts In Publics Interest – Public Safety To Dominate. You Can’t Do What You Want Whenever You Want Applies To Dancing And Employee Conduct

City Council Meeting of December 11th made known that the City’s primary responsibility is to protect the public…… An act of tough love was taken in dealing with citizen and employee conduct that speaks directly to this issue.  Awakening the youth of the city to this fact appears to require the use of KID GLOVES to appease and mollify them into awareness that PUBLIC SAFETY comes first…..  Even when applied to DANCING as a form of Freedom of Speech. (You can’t yell FIRE in a theater simply to exercise freedom of speech). In a perfect world everyone would use common sense and comply with Health & Safety Regulations which is foundation for most laws…… Driving a vehicle….. Building Occupancy…… Managing large Outdoor Crowds…..  Simple things like making sure responsible people have adequate number of toilets so they don’t find it necessary to use bushes, lawns, sides of buildings or expose their private parts to those utilizing the same space.  We know the majority of people comply with laws…… We couldn’t hire enough public safety officers to enforce the law if the majority of folks didn’t readily comply and agree to obey.

History and experience has shown us that a small number of folks will NOT comply……  Due to ignorance, immaturity or uninhibited behavior caused by consumption of alcohol or marijuana etc. which often times accompanies public events.  Therefore, in order to protect the majority of us from the unwanted threats to our Health and Safety….. City Government MUST ACT to protect us and they do so by requiring PERMITS – SPECIAL EVENTS PROCESS….. That even apply to Public Dancing Events.

Displaying a sensitivity and genuine interest in permitting as much freedom of expression as possible, Mayor Pike opened the door for Tiffany Barton to speak to the Dance Issue….. Even though this meeting did NOT include a Public Hearing as part of the agenda. This I believe is in keeping with his election promise to….. Listen and to Hear and provide greater transparency in City government. Tiffany made her point…..What was touched upon tonight “Is not what we brought to the table.” Well, she was right. The Dance Interest Group was asking for the same thing many of us have been requesting…… REFORM City Ordinance(s) and Enforcement Practices. The public is demanding City Government to CLEAN UP ITS ACT when it comes to Selective Enforcement…. Equal and fair treatment under the law in the way fines and waivers of penalties are applied. YES, the process has to be streamlined….. It is NOT necessary for all 214 request for Special Events made this year to have to come before the Council….. Anymore, than, those wanting to dance should be made to feel disenfranchised, when it comes to how they are treated or made to feel when seeking a Special Event Permit to dance. Folks this isn’t Rocket Science…… It gets down to doing the right thing and treating people equally, fairly and with respect. It also means for those wanting Special Event Dance Permits to recognize Health & Safety Issues.

NEXT: Hearing for an employee (Fireman’s) appeal of the City Manager’s decision to uphold a department head’s recommendation for demotion….. Failure to comply with required safety-certification training. (Required to attend 75% of assigned training each year). Presented were circumstances and conditions, including supervisory adherence to accepted practices relating to employee-management interviews/counseling practices. My friends, the bottom line of all of this is that Fire Fighter’s Training is absolutely essential in providing for Public Safety. Having heard both sides of the issue Council voted to uphold the demotion.

Public Interest/Public Safety concerns prevailed on both issues presented to readers. As the title of this article stated the Council acted in a responsible manner. THERE IS HOWEVER….. A bigger issue that has been raised….. For some time now….. On how city government implements and administers City Ordinances and how it trains and supervises employee conduct and performance. The city council is charged with the responsibility of overseeing and supervising Department Heads that run the daily operation of all facets of city government. BEFORE these matters and issues reach the level of City Council action….. We seem to be forgetting that they first lay at the feet of the City Manager and to a lesser degree the City Attorney….. They work in harmony. It appears that NO ONE seems to hold the City Manager accountable….. I believe many of the issues concerning civil litigation, employee relations, city ordinances, enforcement practices, special event permits all at one time or another come before the preview of the City Manager……This includes how and which building permits are signed off as having been completed in compliance with city codes…… Such as sewer lines, roadways, use of public easements, drainage issues…. The list goes on.

My friends, the symptoms common to longevity that we see in U.S. Senate and House of Representatives appear to be present in our long time City Manager. We know that the City is not the same, as when Gary began his service almost 40 years ago. The standard of approval for signing off on building permits leading to Certificate of Occupancy has changed. The storage of equipment, Recreational Vehicles on private property has evolved with new and expensive housing. The laxity of uniform enforcement and issuance of fines has led to lawsuits….. The inoculation of  the City Manager from accountability….. Has in my opinion led to pitting neighbor against neighbor. One wanting and expecting the City Ordinance preventing recreational vehicles from being stored in the front yard….. Being in conflict with a neighbor who is accustomed to doing just that….. Regardless of ordinance requirements….. Employees charged with enforcement of standards appear confused and follow the example set by their leaders….. Arbitrary or no enforcement becomes the norm. We should not only be telling the youth….. But telling ourselves….. There is a time and a place for everything. The time for reform is now within City Government.  

Thomas Jefferson “I have ever deemed it more honorable and profitable, too, to set a good example than follow a bad one”. (The writings of Thomas Jefferson 1853-1854 edited by H.A. Washington)

Thank you, ED BACA

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