
Ed’s Up On City Council Issues… To Grow, To Achieve

Issue 13.14

Good, Better, Best. Never Rest Until Good Is Better And Better Is Best.  ‘Mother Goose’

March 19th City Council Meeting assured City growth will continue…..You won’t have to ask where as you will clearly see a changing skyline casting a shadow over the Virgin River, as it flows past the Young Single Adults Church Building and Millcreek High School.  What a difference a Bridge Makes…..Mall Drive Bridge has brought with it a Huge Commercial and Residential Development. This is sure to provide a larger Property and Sales Tax Base for the City, placing another feather on City Manager’s cap. Perhaps we should pause and consider changing City name to something that will reflect Gary’s accomplishments. How does, ESPLINVILLE sound? My friends, it cannot be denied, Gary has had a profound impact on this once, small residential community. St. George has been propelled into what any incorporated business would proudly proclaim as a money making machine.  I$ this what the city has become? A reflection on what we value and embrace?

AFTERTHOUGHT…..City may very well need every penny it can get its hands on. Especially if Code Enforcement Lawsuit against city ever makes it into a Federal Court Room where people will have to place their hand on Bible and give sworn testimony. More and more it appears city is willing to do everything possible, including sitting on their hands to keep out of court room. Isn’t that what it looks like to you, considering lack of action on Code Enforcement Reform?

GIVING CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE…..I may have sounded critical of Councilman Almquist in the past concerning allegations of non- compliance with City Ordinances. It is equally important to recognize his good work as well. The Greyhawk Apartment Development referred to above is to cover an area of 11.75 acres and consist of 244 units. Gil recognized the impact upon Police and Fire Services this zone change will make as it clears the way for continued growth. Folks, 12 years of monitoring Council performance this is the FIRST time, I can recall hearing a councilman voicing a concern for the added demands being placed on the police as a result of Council Action. Gil acknowledged an increase in the number of calls as well as the heavy burden domestic calls place upon the police. An increase in number of traffic accidents and driving violations attest to need to improve traffic enforcement capabilities. High Tech/Computer generated crimes require additional manpower. In the past the issue of Public Safety appeared to be left in the hands of the City Manager and Mayor. It has not gone unnoticed that City Manager proudly touts the fact that the City does not adhere to National Standards on staffing police department. I know it pains Gary to hear what city pays for Public Safety…..I believe he prefers to spend money on Money Making enterprises. When pressed by Council to spend money on Pet Projects, especially those that will curry favor from those desirous of receiving public money. For example: City Sponsorship of Special Events. All too often in the past, Sponsorships have come at the expense of public employees. This symbol of duplicity of course pays dividends to those running for re-election and I am sure Gary never forgets that he serves at the pleasure of the Council. For this reason the willingness of Mr.Almquist to express concerns for Police and Fire is worthy of a commendation.


A larger Sales Tax Base makes it possible for Councilman Hughes to continue to expand his boyish appetite for giving city money away as he grows…..Not only to fill his Santa’s Suit, but grows the skill, talent, and expertise that casts him as a polished politician. I fully expect Jimmie will expend every effort to be re-elected this year as made evident by his actions of this night. Folks, this Council Meeting included a last minute addendum to the agenda. To consider approval of a Special Event permit for a Sun Bowl Concert. Simmons Media and St. George News are applicants. The City Council appears willing to Sponsor and Subsidize, every Event Possible at the Sun Bowl…..So that it can be said that the Sun Bowl is being used for something else other, than just the Lions Rodeo. This will surely justify future spending on Rebuilding the dilapidated Sun Bowl. How gullible must they think us to be? It’s all about the Rodeo! It always has been and it always will be. As expected, approval to use Sun Bowl for a concert easily passed.  What happened next not only surprised and disturbed me, but I could clearly see the consternation on City Managers face. Three individuals representing the applicants proceeded to grease the skids with the magic words.  We promote “Family Friendly” entertainment. Of course we all know that “Family” is very meaningful to Church members and public at large. They are sweet words indeed. What caused my eyebrows, to go up was the follow up request. The applicants asked Council to make available to promotors the City owned stage. This private enterprise made it known that the only place they could get a similar stage was in Las Vegas and that would cost them $4,000. To his credit City Manager expressed that it was not right for the City to subsidize a Private Business. Helping one business could be viewed as preferential treatment and be considered a disadvantage to other businesses they compete with.

THAT’S when I saw Jimmie morph into Santa. Jimmie appeared to jump at the thought…..If we can’t give them stage…..Lets RENT it to them. It was clear to me Jimmie was seeking a way to circumvent established fiscal principles and by so doing jeopardized city assets. He went on to suggest, surely we can find a way to get this done. City Manager displaying his frustration methodically explained that the city was not in the Equipment Rental Business and if the Council was to decide to go down this path, accepted business practices would of necessity need to be followed. The City Attorney then rendered his legal advice in support of the City Manager. If we are in Rental Business we have to be ALL in. Consideration has to be given to liabilities that would extend to city as well as need to protect the stage as a valued asset. City has to consider the cost for putting up the stage at the Sun Bowl. It would take 2 city employees at least 4 hours to do so. This is paid for by taxpayer money. Folks, the frustration having set in the City Manager sat back and contemplated the problem. I believe that he then remembered that he served at the pleasure of the Council. Giving the matter consideration it was suggested that the City could waive the $1000 fee for use of Sun Bowl, plus the 5% added cost associated with fee. If City was to sponsor the event the liability issues would go away making it easier for promotors to turn a profit. Money saved by Promotors could then be used to rent the stage from the city. These antics convince me that when Mrs. Esplin lays his head on his pillow at night he leaves a trail of tears wondering what he has done to deserve these blessings.  My ending thoughts of this Council Meeting were, “Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.”      Thank you, ED BACA

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