
Genealogy Corner… Mayday Arbitration Needs You!

Issue 17.15

It is time to mark your calendars for the Worldwide Arbitration Event taking place on May 1-8, 2015. The goal is to reduce the backlog of more than 6 million images awaiting arbitration. What is arbitration?  Arbitration is a necessary step in FamilySearch Indexing.

To ensure the best quality, each record is indexed by two people: an “A” indexer and a “B” indexer. When both the A and B indexing have been completed and submitted, the system compares the two versions. If there are any differences in any of the fields, the batch is sent for arbitration. An arbitrator compares the differences with the document image and either selects the most correct version or types in a new value that more accurately reflects what is on the image. A project is not complete until all batches with discrepancies have been reviewed by an arbitrator.

When the arbitrator finishes the review, the information you submit is soon published on the FamilySearch web site. This is what powers the Record Hinting in Family Tree. These indexes make it possible to type in a name in the Historical Records Collection at and find the records. Imagine another 6.5 million record hints coming soon following the May arbitration event. Arbitrators are assigned by the stake director or group administrator.

Arbitrators are usually experienced indexers who pay attention to details. They need to follow project instructions, even if he or she has a different opinion on how a record should be indexed. They must also be familiar with basic indexing guidelines. It is best to index a couple of batches for a record set and then the arbitrator can be ready to arbitrate batches in that set. Arbitration is very important, and as you can see from the backlog, without arbitrators, the work is delayed.

Last August 2014, FamilySearch Indexing held an indexing event. This May, you can join arbitrators all over the world help more ancestors be found. They have set a goal to arbitrate two million images. You can learn more at There are even tutorials on arbitration you can watch. See

For more information contact Shanna Jones

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