
Principles of Freedom – 12 step recovery for US – Part 2

Issue 15.16

Part 2

You may want to revisit the last article to remember why this approach is important. Today we look at a few of the 12 steps and how they can apply to our nation’s future.

  1. Admit that we are powerless over our addiction – that our lives have become unmanageable.

Our nation is $18 Trillion in debt. That is $56,000 for every man, woman and child in the country. For my family, that comes out to well over $600,000 and more is added every day.

Since World War II began we have been involved in some type of war or police action (undeclared war involving combat)  49 out of the 75 years and all but one of the most recent 17 years with no end in sight.

Industrial production (activities that actually increase wealth rather than redistributing it) has been stagnant for the last 8 years after growing fairly steadily over the previous 67 years.

Pollution of our land, water and air are becoming a threat to human life.

It seems clear that in many ways, our life as a country has become unmanageable. I doesn’t matter which party is in charge, we continue on this path.

  1. Come to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

Whatever your concept of God is – whether it is a caring being, a force of the universe or the collective cosmic consciousness of us all – the wisdom that is there is most certainly better than the wasteful and destructive ways we are doing things now.

  1. Make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understand Him.

To create a more moral direction, we have to realize that our actions affect others, particularly our children and grandchildren. If you don’t feel that religion provides the guidelines that will prove positive for the future, then consider simple science. The sciences of economics, environment and human dynamics show that we are on a course that will create sorrow and pain for our posterity if we do not listen, learn and change.

  1. Make a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

Instead of ignoring the direction and intention of our leaders and ourselves, we must actually look at what we are doing, how it affects the future and how it affects each other now. We need to be responsible in our decisions about pollution, freedom, and adherence to principles. We need to look at whether we want to continue to create enemies with our failed foreign policies. We need to return to the moral and political high ground. When we can point to our good outcomes and actions instead of trying to enforce our way of doing things on others, they will want what we have instead of feeling manipulated and coerced. Those who have historically presented a better way have never sought to force others, but invite them to enjoy the fruits.

We will continue this discussion next time.

Lynn West is a thinker, a teacher and a patriot. You can reach him through email at or through this newspaper. Liberty is a state of being which must be continually created. These articles can help all of us discover the ways we can contribute to that outcome. 

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