
Mortgages For Seniors: Trying To Keep It Simple While Maintaining Your Financial Health!

Issue 31.16

If you are like any of my senior client’s that are on fixed income, anytime we can lower our payments or increase our income, no matter your age, we would always take advantage of the opportunity.

This past month with interest rates again hitting a two year low, everyone is refinancing or looking […]

‘The Dog Days of Summer’

Issue 31.16

There is common expression heard during this time of year in Dixie, that expression is we are in the ‘Dog Days of Summer’. What does that saying mean and why do we use it, especially during this time of year. The dog days are not only hottest, but the most humid days of […]

Too Much Denture Adhesive

Issue 31

Some time ago a neurologist was on Good Morning America to discuss his patient that had developed balance problems from swallowing too much denture cream that contained Zinc—a beneficial mineral found in ordinary multivitamins, but in large amounts can lead to serious illnesses. It was reported that his patient used massive amounts of […]

Understanding Your Social Security… Honoring The Beneficiaries Of Social Security

Issue 31

Social Security is committed to the principles and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which improves the lives of our beneficiaries and our employees who have disabilities. We also want you to see and hear from the people who rely on Social Security disability benefits to not just survive, but thrive, […]